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Valerie stumbled her way through the foggy terrain in the forest. Her anxieties were buzzing all around her and her fight or flight was maxed out. She had no idea where she was going but all she knew was to keep running, but she was becoming tired.

"I have to get out of here." She whispered. In the distance she heard Massiff's barking. A reptilian hound that clone troopers used, and it was only a matter of time before they caught up.

She continued running but the exhaustion was quickly gaining on her and she was stumbling here and there over uprooted vines and roots. She shoved her hands into her pockets searching for anything to help her. Valerie had the blaster but she didn't want to use it and give her position away just yet. She pulled the comm-link that she had previously shoved into her pocket. A device she had used once before, it seemed damaged than she had originally thought but she had to have hope.

Still running she quickly activated it. "Hello? Please, hello?!"

There were a few moments of quiet. The faint barks from the Massiff's echoed in the woods.

The comm-link was staticky when it sparked to life but another voice responded. "Hello?"

"Please!" Valerie yelled into the comm. "Eriadu, I need help!"

"There is the rebel scum!" A clone trooper yelled and they all started firing. Valerie ducked and kept on running.

"What are your exact coordinates on Eriadu?" The other person asked.

Blaster fire hit a tree that Valerie was running past. It splintered upon impact causing Valerie to trip and fall. "Get her while she's down!" The troopers yelled.

Valerie scrambled to her feet as the Massiff's were barking like crazy. She looked at the comm-link in her hand and it was further damaged. "Hello?" She paused. "Hello?" There was no response and Valerie assumed she further broke it from tripping. "I have to get out of here." She huffed, she wasn't sure if she could keep running from the clone troopers.

There's a spaceport not far from here. I'm sure you can acquire a ship from there. Danny's words had crossed her mind.

"The spaceport!" She looked up at the trees. They were thick enough where she figured she could hide out and figure out a plan to get to the spaceport. Valerie turned and started firing the blaster.

"Take cover!" The clone troopers yelled. "She has a blaster!"

Valerie ran backwards and continued to fire. She looked around for a tree she could quickly climb. She found one with low, sturdy branches and while still firing. She ran towards the tree. The clone troopers had taken cover and knew she had only seconds to climb up it without them seeing her.

With a deep breath she fired the blaster one more time before jumping up and grabbing the branch and hoisted herself up it. When she had her footing she jumped up to the next branch and then the next one.

"She stopped firing, get her!" One of the clone troopers yelled and some of them immediately started firing. "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!" They yelled. Valerie had her foot on the next branch when she paused. She had one hand pressed against the trunk of the tree and her other hand on another branch. She pressed herself against the trunk and waited.

I am not here. I am not here. She told herself.

"Where did she go?" A clone asked.

"She was just here." Another stated. "She couldn't have just disappeared.

"Someone get the Massiff's!" A third clone demanded. "Governor Tarkin cannot find out we lost the rebel."

The barking Massiff's got louder as the clone troopers and reptiles walked right under where Valerie was hiding. She held her breath when the Massiff's stopped walking and were sniffing the air.

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