For The Republic

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Valerie, Echo, and Rex had just made it back to Rex's starfighter. Rex broke off from them to make his way back to the bridge. Valerie and Echo were walking down the hall together.

"Valerie! Echo!" A female called out and the two of them turned and they saw Eloise run up to them, she grabbed Valerie into a hug before hugging Echo. "I'm glad to see you both but why are you here?" She questioned.

"I'm helping Rex with finding more clones." Echo said.

"I'm looking for a friend of mine." Valerie said. "How's looking for your sister?"

"The search is at a halt at the moment but Rex and the rebellion have been great with letting me use any resources I need to try and locate her."

"Well if you need any help, let me know." Echo said.

Eloise smiled. "Thank you Echo, that's so kind of you. I was just on my way to get something to eat, would you both like to join me?"

"Maybe next time, I'm gonna go meet up with Moose and Rickshaw." Valerie mentioned.

"I'll join you Eloise." Echo said, "I'm pretty hungry."

The three of them ended up in a split hall, Valerie waved to her two friends before heading to Moose's room. Walking down the hall she took note of the people walking down the hall. All of them coming from different backgrounds and cultures but all working together and fighting to stop the empire, to restore peace back to the galaxy. Valerie smiled, it filled her with hope.

At Moose's door she stopped and knocked. No one answered. "Moose?" She called out, but there still wasn't a response. "Are you sleeping?" She asked and put a hand on the door, she didn't sense anyone was in there. "Maybe Rex will know where they are." She turned and started to make her way to the bridge.

Valerie entered the bridge, she saw Rex talking to some resistance fighters. She walked up to them. "Rex." She said and the fighters walked away.

"Valerie, what can I do for you?" He asked.

"Have you seen Rickshaw or Moose?" She questioned.

Rex smiled. "Why don't you turn around and ask them yourself." He said and Valerie turned and saw Moose walking towards them.

"Moose!" Valerie smiled.

"Hey kid!" He pulled her into a hug, "you gotta come quick." He took her hand and started pulling her. She heard Rex laughing behind them.

"Moose, where are you taking me?" Valerie questioned.

The two of them stopped, "close your eyes."

"Close my eyes?"

"Do it Valerie." She nodded and closed her eyes, she sensed people walking over to her and they seemed familiar to her. "Okay, you can open them now." Valerie opened them and saw two clones standing in front of her. Rickshaw and Moose were standing on either side of her.

"Ginkgo? Bo?" Valerie couldn't help but smile.

"Hey Valerie, long time no see." Bo said and rubbed the back of his neck. Valerie saw they had two scars on the side of their head, where their inhibitor chip  would've been. Valerie deduced they had theirs removed.

"Oh my-" Valerie walked up to them and pulled the two of them into a hug. "How I missed you boys."

"We missed you too kiddo." Ginkgo said and patted her back.

"I know Rickshaw and Moose said they were trying to locate other 671st members but I didn't think they would find anyone so soon." Valerie said.

"We found them piss drunk at a bar on Coruscant." Rickshaw said.

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