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The planet Anaxes came into view, Valerie stood behind the bad batch as they got the Marauder ready to land. They were coming in hot.

"Aren't we coming in a little hot Tech?" Valerie asked and gripped the back of Crosshair's seat.

"It'll be fine." Tech said, not looking at her. He quickly pulled back on the controls and somehow managed to safely land the Marauder. "See? Everything was fine." Valerie rolled her eyes.

Everyone got up and started to make their way to the door. The door opened and Hunter was the first to get out, he cracked his knuckles. Tech was next and per usual on his data pad and Crosshair was right on his heels. Wrecker towered over the two clones in front of him. He pulled off his helmet and said, "the cavalry has arrived." Valerie stood up top the stairs, behind Wrecker, looking small behind him, her hand on her hip. Everyone made their way down and Valerie could sense the unease of the other clones. The rest of the batch took off their helmets as they walked towards the other clones.

"These guys are clones?" Valerie heard one of the clones say, "they don't look like clones to me."

"Sargent, good to see you again." The clone in the orange armor shook hands with Hunter. The clone is Obi-wan Kenobi's, Commander Cody.

"You too sir." Hunter said.

"This is Hunter." The clone said.

"Sorry we're late commander, we had to take a minor detour on Er'Kit, while we were on our way to you boys." Hunter said. "Had a few unforeseen... complications."

Wrecker laughed, "ever hang from a radio tower thousands of feet in the air?"

"Um no. Can't say I have." A clone said.

"You're lucky." Wrecker said and Valerie just smiled.

"Uh technically, Wrecker it wasn't you who was hanging from the tower it was Valerie and I." Tech interjected. "And for your information we were trying to reach your jedi."

"They call him Tech." Commander Cody said.

"Yeah, he can fill your head with useless info for hours." Hunter shoulder punched him, Valerie couldn't help but giggle while staring at Tech. "Crosshair, on the other hand, he's not much of a conversationalist, but when you have to hit a precise target from ten clicks, Crosshair's your man. So commander, what kinda of suicide mission do you have for us this time?"

"Let's get going, We'll brief you on the way." Everyone stepped onto a gunship and Valerie happily climbed aboard, the thought of a mission excited her. Before boarding, Wrecker shoulder punched one of the clones, smiling.

Everyone stood on board in silence, Tech was on his data pad and Valerie was trying to look over his shoulder seeing what he was doing.

"What are you looking at?" Jesse, one of the regular clones said, which drew Valerie's attention away from Tech.

"We don't usually work with 'Regs.'" Crosshair tossed his tooth pick at him.

"Regs?" The clone got defensive, the clone stepped forward but Hunter stopped him.

"He's talking about regular clones." Hunter stated. "But don't take it personal."

"We're all on the same team, so cut the attitude and listen up." Commander Cody said. "Here's the mission. Our target is this Cyber Center." Cody held up a hologram. "It's the 'brains' of the entire separatist campaign here on Anaxes."

"I could demolish that with one hand! Yea!" Wrecker said.

"This isn't a demo job, Wrecker." Cody said. "It's strictly a retrieval operation." Cody continued to talk about the mission with the gunship still flying. Valerie had a bad feeling.

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now