Breaking Point

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Valerie found herself standing in the middle of the battlefield on Corellia, her heart racing dead battle droids were all around her. She was holding her lightsaber, ignited. In the distance she saw Captain Rickshaw. She started making her way towards him, his clones behind him. He was holding up a hologram, Valerie couldn't identify the person.

"Execute Order 66."

Valerie paused and Rickshaw turned to her. His helmet was off and he was staring at what felt like into her soul. "Captain?" She questioned.

"All Jedi are subject to treason and will be executed under the directive of Order 66." Rickshaw held up his blaster towards her.

"Captain, stand down!" Valerie ordered and at the same time the clones around him also held up their blasters. "Captain what's going on?!"

"Good soldiers follow orders." He said and started firing. The clones behind her did the same as well. She started blocking the blaster fire. She backed away from the clones. Once at a safe distance she turned and ran away from the battle field.

"Master Amon? Drake?" She called into her com-link. "Master, where are you? The clones just opened fire on me! What's going on?" But all Valerie got was static. She kept running and made it into the woods. She just kept running. Tears stinging in her eyes. She heard the clones catching up.

"Spread out and find the Jedi!" She heard Captain Rickshaw call out. She put her lightsaber on her waist band and jumped into the trees. She waited for most of the clones to pass her by. She saw the captain behind everyone. She jumped down behind him and he turned around and held his blaster up. She quickly disarmed him and got him pinned to the ground. She held her lightsaber up to his neck.

"Captain! What is going on?" She asked. "Snap out of it."

"All Jedi are traitors to the Galactic Republic and are sentenced to termination." He said.

"But why Rickshaw?! What did the Jedi do?" She pleaded. He stayed silent. Valerie was studying him. He was able to knee her and she fell over. The two of them struggled against one another. Valerie lost her lightsaber. He ended up on top of her, pinning her to the ground. He wrapped his hands around her neck and started choking her. She reached her hand out trying to reach her lightsaber. "Rick-shaw." She choked out. She used the force and called her lightsaber back. "P-please stop." Her vision started going black. She held her lightsaber up to his stomach. He wasn't stopping. She closed her eyes and suddenly she felt his hands loosen on her neck. She opened her eyes and saw that she ignited her lightsaber.

"V-Valerie?" He gasped out before collapsing next to her. She quickly sat up, throwing her lightsaber to the side and pulled his head into her lap. She was crying.

"Captain! Rickshaw please stay with me!" She cried out. Pressing her hands onto his wound. He pulled her hands away and held them up to his face. She cupped his cheeks, "Rickshaw please."

One of his hands brushed the tears from the side of her face. Whatever was controlling him wasn't anymore. "The nightmares." He struggled to get out. "The nightmares are finally over." His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his hand dropped.

"No!" She screamed. She put her head into his chest and started sobbing. She heard footsteps surrounding her and blasters rising. One of the clones hit her back.

"Step away from the captain!" He ordered, she looked up, tears pouring from her face.

"I-I didn't mean to kill him!" She sobbed, "I didn't mean too!" The clones all raised their blasters. "I'm sorry Rickshaw! I'm so sorry." She laid her head back down, preparing to meet the same fate.

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