Jealousy is an Ugly Color

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It was early in the morning, the sun hadn't come up over the horizon yet Valerie was walking around Pabu. She only saw a few select villagers walking about, the rest most likely still sleeping. Valerie thought she could get use to a place like this, the peace keeping her mind at ease. Amongst her wandering she found herself standing in front of the Archium. She couldn't help herself but walk inside. Inside was dark until some lanterns lit the big open room up. Valerie looked around and saw shelves, tables, and cases of artifacts, tablets, statues, and even weapons. As she walked along the row, she looked at history all around her. Some of the artifacts could possibly be worth something but Valerie sensed that these were priceless to the villagers of Pabu. Valerie stood at a small table up against a wall, it was more like a shrine. There were four goddesses on the table, she recognized the sun and moon goddess that the Pantoran's worshipped. Valerie tilted her head, something was telling her to pick up the moon goddess. Slowly, she carefully picked her up with both her hands. She studied the goddess, rubbing her thumb over her faceless face. Valerie's head shot backwards.

Valerie looked around, she was in a dimly lit room. She looked at the moon goddess still in her hands. She turned at the sound of someone mumbling. She saw a small Pantoran child praying at an altar. The same four goddesses stood on the table. Valerie knelt down next to her.

"Thank you." The child looked up, smiling at the moon goddess. "Someday I hope to be a goddess like you." Valerie smiled at her innocences. Valerie studied her facial markings and saw she had three gold markings. Two dots on each cheek and another dot on her chin.

An explosion and blaster fire could be heard outside. Valerie and the small girl looked towards the door. A Pantoran woman burst into the room, she had the same facial markings as the child.

"Selene we have to go." The woman said in a panic.

"Mama what's going on?" Selene the pantoran child asked.

The woman grabbed her daughter's arm, pulling her to her feet. "We need to go now!" The woman started to drag her out the door.

Her daughter turned, reaching her hand out towards the idols as her mother dragged her out of the room. "Mama! Our idols!"

"We need to escape, I'm sorry Selene." Her mother said disappearing from Valerie. She turned towards the statues again, she looked at the one in her hand. Valerie closed her eyes.


"You know I retrieved that for a mother and her daughter." Phee said and Valerie opened her eyes. She was back in the Archium.

"They were running from the empire, forced to leave their home." Valerie added.

Phee walked up to her. "How did you know?"

"I saw it."

"You saw it?" Phee raised an eyebrow.

Valerie carefully placed the idol down and turned back to Phee. "Yea, I saw it. Jedi of course know the way of the force."

"Well yea."

"So every jedi knows the force and can control the basics but each jedi possesses different abilities. Every jedi can of course learn all the abilities but for some, some abilities come more naturally. Like me I can see the past of certain objects. Mainly ones that have a strong bond to its owner. Like seeing the Pantoran girl and her idol. Also under duress I can create a force field to protect us."

"Like what you did for Omega and Lyana." Valerie nodded to her statement. "And that bubble on Skara Nal."

"Yes. I only knew of another jedi who can see the past, but he was a padawan and his skills were unrefined. My master had the ability to manipulate the midichlorians around to force heal someone." Valerie instinctively brought her hand to her abdomen. "There's rumors of force projection but that's a rumor. There's many more too."

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