Finding Her

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Tech found himself running to the hanger with most of the batch and the girl who they came back from. She informed them that their gear should be with the Marauder. She was right.

"All right, boys, suit up. Let's make this quick." Hunter said. Tech knew they were gonna go save Crosshair after this.

Him and the rest of the batch quickly geared up. "Right. No. No! Where is it? Where is it?" Tech heard Wrecker say in the background. He quickly pulled out his data pad, hoping to see some sort of message from Valerie.

There weren't any messages.

Tech didn't understand why it upset him that there was nothing from Valerie, part of him wondered if she was still even alive. He quickly shook that thought from his head. Valerie was smart and resilient, she had to be alive still. She was just lost.

"It's gotta be here somewhere." Wrecker continued to search in a panic.

Tech finished gearing up, "Tech, power up the ship. The rest of us will go after Crosshair." Hunter turned to him. He nodded.

Tech boarded the ship and started to power up the Marauder, he couldn't help himself, while the ship was powering up he walked over to the radio, he typed into it, it was their last channel with Valerie from Kaller. "Val? Val are you there?" He spoke into it and all he got back was static. "Val, please respond if you're there." 

Still nothing.

Tech sighed and went back to the controls. He heard what sounded like the bay doors opening. "Best stand down, sergeant." Tech heard it was Crosshair, he couldn't help himself and found his way towards the exit door. "Make it easy on yourself. "

"Have you lost your mind?" Hunter exclaimed. 

"We should've killed those jedi." Crosshair said. "You disobeyed orders."

"I did what I thought was right."

"You never could see the bigger picture. Now surrender."

Hunter looked down and Wrecker and Echo had their helmets on. "Is that an order?"

Crosshair laughed. "I guess it is." 

"Well, I guess I'm disobeying that one too." Thunder erupted outside Kamino. There was silence, before the blasting started. Tech ducked back into the ship and quickly put his helmet on. One of the regs threw smoke grenades. "Tech we gotta move. Now!" Hunter said over the com-link. 

He jumped back into the seat. "I'm working on it." He reported back. 

"Tech, we're out of time!" Hunter called.

Tech wasn't sure what had just happened but he continued to work. "Almost got it." He got the engine fired up. He looked out and saw that the hanger doors started closing, then abruptly stopping, someone inside Kamino was stopping them from closing. There was more shooting. There was one blast that made Tech lean back in his chair. He saw Omega was the one that fired it. She continued to shoot, protecting her brothers. Everyone made it on and Tech lifted the Marauder out of the hanger. 

Tech got the Marauder out of Kamino airspace. He was informed that Wrecker had been shot by Crosshair. Echo injected a painkiller into his arm.

"Ouch!" Wrecker exclaimed. "Hey! Hey, hey, hey. What's that gonna do?"

"You'll be okay." Echo said, pulling out another needle. "Just hold still."

"Is this what you're looking for?" Omega held up Wreckers stuffie. 

He gasped, "you found my Lula!" At the same time Echo stabbed him again. "Ow!" Omega was giggling.

Tech got up from his seat and made his way back to everyone. "Let's see here." He held up his data pad to Wrecker, "hold still."

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