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Valerie and the group stood on the steps of the palace that previously trapped Valerie. She shuttered.

"Are you okay Val?" Omega asked.

"Yea, I will be. I always am." Valerie sighed, Hunter picked up on this. "The girl we are looking for is a pink Twi'lek, her name is Eloise. She will be scared, just tell her that you're with me. They will be waiting for us." Everyone nodded and they made their way through the doors. They were immediately met with blaster fire. Valerie blocked the blaster fire with her lightsaber, redirecting some of the shots into the men. They group ran down the hall.

"We should split into two teams, this place is massive." Tech stated.

"Right. Omega, Wrecker, Echo, Phee you guys go down that way." Hunter said, pointing down the right side of the hallway. "Find the girl and com us, letting us know you have her and we'll meet back at the entrance. Val, Tech, and I will go down this way and we'll com if we find her first understood."

"Copy that." Omega said. The group split up and Valerie, Tech, and Hunter made their way into the dinning room. Valerie looked around and saw her plate, smashed on the ground from where he threw it. The chair she was sitting in, was toppled over.

"She's not here." Someone called and Valerie held her breath. She looked up and the man was standing on the other end of the room. "I took care of her already, but it looks like you came crawling back to me."

Valerie felt the color draining from her face. This made Tech's blood boil, from her expression he knew this was the man that hurt her. Tech and Hunter stood in front of her. "You don't get to speak to her." Tech said, the two of them holding their blasters.

The man laughed, it cut through Valerie, making her shake. "Get them boys." Zabrak men entered the room. Hunter dived, grabbing Valerie by the waist taking her with him. Tech turned the table on its side and the three of them hid behind this. Tech and Hunter lifting every so often to shoot the men. Valerie sat with her back against the table, heavy breathing and panicking.

Hunter grabbed her shoulders, he took notice the dark bruise on her cheek. "Enough!" He was stern and Valerie stopped and looked at the sergeant, "I understand your panic, but we are in the middle of a fire fight right now, there is no time to be scared because that man will see that and use it against you. You have your team to back you up, you are not alone understood?"

Valerie looked at Hunter, these words were almost the same as Rickshaw's when she was in her first battle with the 671st. She swallowed her fears and nodded. "Yes, I understand."

"Good, you and Tech focus on the Zabrak. I'll take him on okay?"

"Yes sir." Tech said and Valerie nodded. Hunter moved to his right and Tech and Valerie moved to the left. The two of them working on taking down the Zabrak. Valerie ran forwards cutting the men down. Valerie turned, hearing a struggle. She watched the man kick Hunter's knife out of his hand. It clattered on the floor, the man grabbed him by the throat.

"Hunter!" Valerie called out and ran forward, she brought down her lightsaber, cutting the hand that was holding Hunter off. The man wretched backwards holding his missing limb.

"You bitch!" He spat. He grabbed her wrist, the one holding her lightsaber. He started twisting and she was forced to drop it and she head butted him. He fell to the ground and Valerie kneeled on top of him. "You won't kill me!" He hissed. "Your precious little order made sure to keep you whipped."

"You don't know me." Valerie somehow kept her voice calm. She stuck out her hand and an object flew into it. It was Hunter's knife. She raised it above her head. "Die sleemo." She plunged the knife into his chest. He gasped out in pain and Valerie pulled the knife out of his chest before quickly plunging it back in, she did this over and over again, screaming. It took both Hunter and Tech to pull her off him. She was fighting against them, still screaming.

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now