Sandy Planets

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A beeping could be heard throughout the ship, but it was being ignored by the only human on board. That human currently passed out in the pilot's seat with her legs kicked up on the controls. One hand hung over an arm rest. The other was settled right over her stomach, head lolled to the side. She was too busy living a dream to be bothered by the noise.

Valerie rolled over, she could feel someone staring at her. Slowly she opened her eyes and a pair of brown eyes behind orange goggles were staring down at her. The man had himself propped up on one arm.

Valerie smiled. "Yes?"

"I find myself unable to stop admiring just how beautiful you are. I do apologize" Tech said, as he delicately picked up a small strand of her hair and twirled it in his fingers. "If I didn't know any better, I would believe you are an angel."

"Stop Tech." Valerie blushed hard. "None of that is true. I am just incredibly ordinary."

"I don't lie." Tech said. "Gar cuyir te most mesh'la being o'r te world. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum"

Valerie sat up in the bed. Pulling the blankets with her. She noticed the two of them still weren't wearing any clothes. "Tech, tell me something as I don't understand?"

Tech sat up and grabbed her hand. "Anything."

"Why now?" She asked. "Why speak in Mandalore tongue now? You never had before."

"Because these are the things I never got to say to you." Tech caressed her cheek with his free hand. "These are the things I've always wanted to say to you but I am too late now."

"Too late? You're not too late." Valerie stated.

"You need to stop denying it. I'm gone, there's proof everywhere." Tech said. "You carry my helmet."

"No, the proof is I can't remember." Valerie said.

"Can't? Or won't?" Tech questioned. "Val, you chose to live, but you can't keep living the darkness of the past."

"I won't give up." Valerie said.

"You need to wake up Val." Tech said. "You can start by not ignoring the beeping."

"Beeping?" Valerie asked. "What beeping?"


"Wake up."





"I Love you, Val."

The beeping was finally pulling the woman out from slumber.

"Ugh." Valerie groaned, stomach pains rumbled and she realized she was starving. "I should've eaten the soup." She mumbled to herself. The beeping was something loud and Valerie was no longer able to ignore. She shot up in the seat and looked at the controls. The ship had taken some damage leaving Eriadu, Valerie knew this. "Oh Kriff! No, no, no!"

She grabbed the controls. Somehow the hyperdrive had a slow leak that diagnostics didn't pick up until now. Valerie pushed some buttons retaking control of the ship right as it was launched out of hyperspace. Valerie jerked forward.

Valerie looked at diagnostics seeing what else was damaged. She knew the wing was but also a couple smaller parts of the engine were also damaged.

"No, no, no! Come on!" Valerie saw there was a planet nearby. She typed the destination into the Navi-computer. "At least this planet seems back water enough for them to not track me right away." She turned the controls towards the planet and begged the stars to not have a rocky landing.

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now