Skako Minor Pt. 2

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The three clones outside made their way into the room. The door closed and Crosshair jammed the door control. "It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here." Hunter called back. Valerie looked up at Hunter, and she felt a small squeeze of Echo's hand. "There are several squads of droids closing in." The droids tried to force open the doors but Hunter and Crosshair tried to keep them closed. One droid got its face through but Wrecker was there to rip the head right off the droid. He tossed the head aside and helped close the door. Hunter and Crosshair got to work sealing the door. Trapping everyone inside.

Valerie's face went cold. "Wat Tamboor and his men are outside." She looked up to Skywalker and Rex. "You sense him too don't you." Skywalker looked at her and nodded.

"Enemy approaching. Droids, lot's of them." Crosshair said.

"How long can you hold them off?" Skywalker asked.

"How long do you need?" Hunter asked back.

Skywalker turned to Tech. "Tech, how much longer?"

Rex was kneeling with Valerie, on the other side of Echo. "Not yet. I need more time." Tech continued to type on the computer and Valerie could hear all the droids lining up outside. She sensed something else trying to make its way into the room.

"We need to hurry, something different is trying to make its way into the room." Valerie said. Hunter ran from the first door and jammed the second door, closing it. Him and Crosshair again went to work sealing the doors.

"I've got it." Tech said, "we can unplug him now." Valerie and Rex worked on getting Echo unplugged from the machine. Once unplugged, Echo grunted.

"Rex?" He choked out and Valerie helped him stand up.

"What is it?" Rex said.

Echo coughed, "I got a big headache." He smiled.

"Better to feel something than nothing, old buddy." He took Echo's otherside.

"It's a touching reunion guys, but we need to get out of here now." Skywalker said.

Echo coughed some more but pointed to an air shaft. "There's an exhaust vent that leads to a cooling system right there." Echo said.

Valerie looked at the doors. "That thing made it through the first set of doors." She stated.

"It won't be long before they're through the second." Hunter added.

Echo had his robotic hand in the computer system. "That should get it open." On cue the vent opened up.

"Great. Now how do we get up there?" Crosshair asked.

"I can help with that." Wrecker said, as he pushed Hunter towards the opening.

"Wait, what?" Hunter started. "Wrecker, what are you doing?" Wrecker threw Hunter into the vent and Hunter caught himself inside. "A heads up would've been nice!"

Tech was thrown up with Echo and Rex was thrown next. Wrecker walked over to Skywalker who held up his hand. "It's okay, Wrecker, I got this." Skywalker jumped into the vent and Wrecker looked at Valerie.

"Sorry Wrecker, I'm with Skywalker on this one." She followed behind Skywalker and jumped into the vent herself. Wrecker ran up to the control panels.

"What are you doing?" Skywalker called out.

"Wrecker come on we got to go!" Valerie said at the same time.

"I'm putting an end to Tambor's little science experiment." Wrecker pulled some grenades out from his back pocket.

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