Authors Note #3

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Well I hurt even my own feelings lmao.

Don't worry the story isn't over yet! But unfortunately it is going to be on a hiatus until season 3 of The Bad Batch is finished then I will be back to writing this story. I'm already working on ideas for when season 3 debuts but if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears!

*One of my friends gave me some ideas to make Valerie's order 66 scene even more painful so I might go back and add on to her torment, because we are lowkey evil. XD* So if you wanted to re-read that, do please go right ahead.

I am also working on other stories both star wars and non star wars related so I'm not quite sure how the updates to any story I wrote will go. But I've been working on a prequel to Valerie's story(like her time in the clone wars) and I also have a been working on an HunterxOC fic as I ended up on Hunter TikTok and now I'm also hooked onto everyones favorite sergeant.

So until I post again <3 bye for now!


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