Bounty Lost

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Valerie was surrounded by the 671st clones. She was laughing with them around a campfire on a mission on Agamar. "Commander, it's time to rest, we leave at early dawn." Captain Rickshaw said and turned back to where he came from. She got up and turned back to the clones.

"Get some rest everyone, love you boys." She caught up to the captain. She always told the clones she loved them before a battle or before everyone goes to rest for the next day. She really did love her clones. She wasn't a clone herself but they were her brothers too.

"So you love my boys huh?" The captain joked with her.

"Oh come on, Rickshaw." She nudged into him, "I love all you clones. You boys are an important part of the war efforts. I don't think clones get enough credit for what they do and I just want to remind them that I appreciate them."

Rickshaw laughed. "Aw shucks Valerie does that mean you love me too?" They stood in front of her tent.

"Well of course I do Rickshaw." She reassured the captain. "Get some rest, we have a big day tomorrow battling more clankers." Rickshaw laughed and she ducked into the tent. Her master was sitting in the middle, his legs crossed. She thought he was meditating.

"Padawan sit." He didn't open his eyes. She sat across from him and also crossed her legs. She stared at him, studying his face. He was only about 10 years older than her but the war has made him look older. More tired. His lekku's cascaded from the back of his head over his shoulder. "You love the clones?" He said after some time finally opening his eyes to stare at her. Valerie got the sinking feeling she's in trouble.

"Well of course I do master. The clones are like my brothers. I care about them." Valerie stated.

"I understand Valerie but you know our views on love."

"I know Drake. I know we're taught to let love go, along with emotions and attachments, but I don't understand how we're expected to be compassionate and empathetic but not love and having feelings like that."

Master Amon signed. "It's a fine line we are cursed to walk Valerie, but love can be a path that leads to the dark side if not controlled."

"How can love lead to the dark side? Love is supposed to be a positive emotion."

"Yes, while love itself can be good, it's the how far someone is willing to go to save a loved one. To make sure one never dies or gets sick. That person doesn't care who gets hurt in the process of trying to save your loved ones."

"I know Drake and of course I would never sacrifice the mission. I just want the clones to know how much I appreciate them." Valerie looked at the ground.

"I know Valerie, just keep this lesson in mind okay. You'll have temptations along your training. You're not stupid, you know what's right and wrong."

"Yes master." She looked back up at him.

"You may go get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow. She got up and walked over to her sleeping bag and tucked herself in. She kept her lightsaber by her head.

"Goodnight master." Valerie said she wanted her master to know that she loved him like a father and that she appreciates everything he's done for her, but after her scolding she kept it to herself.

Valerie slowly drifted off to sleep thinking about what her master said. She understood where he was coming from but it's a lesson that didn't stick with her.


Valerie opened her eyes and was staring at the ceiling of the Marauder. It wasn't a nightmare for once but a lesson. It seemed like her master was scolding her for her actions last night.

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