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*Warning this chapter contains content of abuse and attempted sexual assault, some readers may be triggered and/ or upset by this. Reader discretion is advised*

Valerie exited the Marauder last, she watched everyone walking. Hunter leading the group, Omega not far behind. Wrecker and Echo were joking, and finally Tech was walking, on his data pad. Phee was talking to him but he wasn't paying attention to her. She descended the staircase and watched the doors to the Marauder close. She lagged behind the group, walking through the vendors, Valerie stopped walking. She turned her head at the sound of a woman crying out in pain. She followed the noise. Walking through the street, she saw everyone going about their business, paying no attention to her. She looked down an ally and saw a Twi'lek on the ground, covering her face. Another male with many cybernetic enhancements raising his hand to her. Valerie went to stop him when someone else grabbed her. She turned and a Zabrak had her by the arm.

"Let me go!" She punched him with her free hand and two more Zabrak convened on her. Valerie was fist fighting the three men. One wrapped his arms around her and lifted her, she used her legs to kick the one coming towards her and she threw her head backwards, connecting it with the Zabrak's nose. He let her go and Valerie went to reach for her lightsaber. "Oh no." She forgot that Phee had placed it on the table back at the Marauder. Valerie grabbed her blaster but it was quickly kicked from her hands. One of the men went to grab her again and she rolled away from him. When she went to get up, one of them grabbed her leg and she tripped, smacking her face into the ground. One of the men kneeled on top of her and she tried her hardest to fight him. Realizing her position, in her struggle against him, she managed to rip off her necklace and threw it aside. None of the Zabrak picked up on this. The one kneeling on her pinned her arms down and another pressed a cloth to her mouth and nose. Her screams muffled by the cloth. She tried to fight but her head started to feel heavy. Her struggle slowed and Valerie felt her eyes roll into the back of her head.

The Zabrak kneeling on her stood up and hoisted her over his shoulder. "Tail-head!" He called out. The pink Twi'lek in the alley ran forwards.

She bowed. "Yes sir?"

"Run ahead and let the master know we got his girl." He said.

The Twi'lek bowed again. "Yes sir." The Twi-lek ran ahead of the three Zabrak, they started walking making their way.

"That little bitch broke my nose." One said, clutching his nose.

"Get over it, that should teach you to be better at fighting." The one holding Valerie said.

"I don't get why he wanted this one, she's too skinny." The third one said.

"Ah, I don't care, as long as I get paid." The one holding Valerie said. The three of them continued walking.


Valerie was running through Ord Mantell, her feet cut up from being barefoot. She was heavily panting. She heard someone familiar talking. She continued running. In the distance she saw Tech. "Tech!" She called out but he kept his back to her. She ran right behind him and stopped, she reached her hand out and was met with an invisible barrier. She placed her other hand on the barrier. "Tech!" She called again, he turned and faced her.

"We have to save her! I have to save her!" He yelled.

"Yes Tech! Save me!" She hit the barrier, "I'm right here!" She watched as Tech continued to ignore her, she pounded on the barrier. "Please Tech." She pleaded, still smacking the barrier. "Tech! Find my crystal, that'll let you know I was taken! Tech you have to find my crystal!" She hit the barrier some more. "I believe in you."


Valerie stirred, she could tell she was on a bed, but it wasn't familiar to her. She groaned.

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now