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"Where to next?" Hunter asked himself while typing into the Navi-computer. "Where could we check next?" He could hear Wrecker walking up behind him but he didn't turn around.

"Hunter." Wrecker said.

"Uh-huh?" Hunter answered.

"We need to go back to Pabu." Wrecker said. "Echo and Eloise need to get back."

Hunter turned in his seat. He could hear his brother and the Twi'lek talking in the bridge. "We can't." He stated. "Omega's been gone for seven rotations. That's too long."

"We don't even know where to look, Hunter." Wrecker pleaded. "Did you even tell Rickshaw about Valerie? They deserve to know."

"But Omega-" Hunter started.

"We need to take a moment." Wrecker cut him off. "You are the sergeant and you need to tell Rickshaw about Valerie, that is your duty as a sergeant. We are going to Pabu."

Hunter sighed. "Do what you want then." He turned back in his seat. Wrecker hovered for a moment before he heard him turn around and walked towards the bridge. He could hear Wrecker telling Echo to go to Pabu and Hunter leaned back in his seat and rubbed his hands over his face.


"First it was Crosshair, then it was Tech and Val." Hunter said, leaning on the holo-table inside of the Marauder, he held his head down. "Now they stole Omega." He was alone. The others had left him alone on the ship so he could send a message, but it was only when he was alone was when he showed his true emotions. The pain and sadness he actually felt. He used his anger to hide the pain when he was around Wrecker or the others. He slammed his fist on the table. "I won't have it anymore. The Empire will pay."

The holo-table beeped and Hunter looked up and shut down his emotions again. Pushing a button on the table. Two clones appeared in front of him.

"Hunter, it's been a while." Rickshaw, one of the clones said. His ARC Trooper Moose stood next to him with his arms folded.

"Yes, it's been a while." Hunter said, his voice monotone. He didn't even know how to bring up Valerie. The thought caused a lump to form in his throat.

Moose immediately picked up on this, so Hunter didn't need to be the one to bring her up. "What's going on? Where's Valerie?"

Hunter looked away from the table, afraid that his eyes might water. "Hunter?" Rickshaw slowly asked. "Where's Valerie?"

Hunter took in a deep breath. "A mission, it went wrong." He paused, trying to keep the emotions suppressed. "It went so wrong. She... she sacrificed herself to save the team. She could've saved herself but she wouldn't leave him. My squad is... it's gone."

"No... I don't believe this." Rickshaw said in disbelief. "She wouldn't..." But Rickshaw knew better.

"Where are the others?" Moose asked. "Your little girl, Omega, right?"

"The Empire took her." He looked back at the two clones. "I'm going to do whatever it takes to get her back for the ones we lost."

Rickshaw stayed quiet. He couldn't look at Hunter. "What do you need from us?" Moose questioned.

"Do you think you could continue looking into The Advance Science Division?" Hunter asked.

"You mean that corp. that Echo was looking into?" Moose asked. Hunter nodded. "Consider it done."

"For Valerie." Rickshaw added.


Hunter leaned against the rock wall overlooking Pabu's water. The longer the group waited, the further Omega got from them and he didn't like that.

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