Clones, Conspiracies, The Senate Oh My!

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Anxiety sat in the air and buzzed around one clone sitting with his brother at the clone bar 79's.

"The entire galaxy believes Ramparts's lies, even the senate. It's not right." The clone said.

The other clone sighed. "Well there's nothing we can do about it. Let it go."

"How can I?" The first clone said. "Kamino was our home, and we destroyed it. All those cities, all those people, gone, because of what we did."

"We were following orders."

"Oh were we? Then, then why is Rampart covering it up, huh?" He sighed. "I'm sorry, Slip. I can't stay silent any longer."

The clone 'Slip' turned to his brother. "Wait, what did you do?"

"I sent a message to Rampart. Gave him the chance to tell the senate the truth before I did it myself." He took a swig of his drink before getting up from his seat. Slip adjusted his hat before following his brother out of the bar.

Outside the bar, clones gathered around. Varying female Twi'lek's clung to some of them. Slip quickly jogged after his brother. The wind whistled and the two of them walked to many parked speeders. "Cade! Cade stop!" Slip placed a hand on his shoulder. "You know what Rampart's capable of. It's too dangerous."

"Slip, we're not bad men, but what we did was wrong." Cade said. "Please, I need your help. Together we can-" Cade was cut short from a blaster shooting him square in the back, he immediately was killed upon impact. Slip pulled out his blaster but it was shot from his hand. He ducked behind a speeder, pondering his next move. He looked towards his brother and Cade laid there, unmoving. He peeked up and was met with more blaster fire. He ducked again and crawled to the yellow speeder and up to his brother. He felt for a pulse but there was none. Slip grabbed his blaster and shot into where the blaster fire was coming from. The shooter shot back. Slip turned on the speeder and it started reversing, Slip made sure to stay behind it. He shot when he could but once the speeder descended over the edge he climbed onto it and sped off.


A session was taking place and the banking clan moved first.

"While the cataclysmic storm on Kamino was tragic, the reality is that without the production of new clone troopers, we are vulnerable." Ishi Tib, of the InterGalactic Banking Clan said. "Admiral Rampart's proposed Defense Recruitment Bill will keep us protected."

The crowd murmured but it was another senator who spoke up. "I concur with the honorable delegate of the Banking Clan." She said. "A new conscripted military is what this galaxy needs. One comprised of the people, who fight for the people."

Senator Tynna Pamlo moved her chair forward. "This recruitment bill has been discussed, debated, and tabled each session for a reason. There are more pressing matters in the galaxy right now than the costly creation of a new military. The war is over!"

Ishi Tib snide. "Perhaps where you reside, Senator Pamlo, but the Mid and Outer Rims are rife with insurgents. We must be protected."

Senator Bail Organa moved next to Senator Pamlo. "The deployment of the clone army was a result of the Emergency Powers Act." He started, "put forward by then Chancellor Palpatine during the separatist crisis. Shifting to a military of citizens swearing loyalty fundamentally goes against the principles of this body."

"I strongly disagree, Senator Organa." The same female senator spoke up.

"Where does the emperor stand on the issue," Senator Organa said. "Since he remains absent from these proceedings?"

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