A Worthy Jedi

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Valerie took a deep breath. She looked around the field she was in. She saw only one of the brown-hair children sitting, facing away from her. She sat criss-crossed almost as if she was meditating. Valerie turned away from her and saw the Naboo city. A breeze blew by and she closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"You really do like Naboo huh?" Valerie opened her eyes and the young girl was behind her. No longer sitting away from her.

Valerie shook her head. "Um, yes. I do. There is peace here." The girl nodded but didn't say anything. "What were you doing over there?"

"I was meditating of course, you taught me after all." She said.

"I did?"

The girl laughed. "Yea but not yet." The girl looked around her. "This dream of course is only what you want. Not what actually happens."

"What are you talking about?"

"We don't make it to Naboo, we never do, we experience some losses. You had a tough journey to get to the end, and it's only going to get tougher for you."

"What- I don't understand."

"You will." She turned and started to walk away from Valerie.

"What's your name?" Valerie called out.

The girl paused but didn't turn around. "I don't have a name yet." She continued walking away from her.

"Wait!" Valerie called out and tried running to her.


Tech was tidying up his things in the room that he and Hunter were supposed to be sharing when Hunter walked in.

"Good morning." Hunter said, taking note of Tech's disheveled bed head. Which for him was way out of character for him as he was always so carefully well kept.

"Yes good morning." Tech said, not turning to him.

"So, what did you do last night?" Hunter asked.

Tech turned to him. "I went and saw Valerie. You know this."

"I did know that, but anything happen?"

"We talked."


Tech adjusted his goggles. "What are you trying to get at Hunter?"

Hunter walked up to him and patted his shoulder. "Look whatever happened between you two is your own business but just know someone tried knocking on your door last night."

"What? Who?"

"Omega. She said that it sounded like Valerie was having a nightmare while you two... chatted." Tech's cheeks turned rosy, Hunter laughed. "Look I'm happy for you that the two of you are working this out but remember that if anymore late night talks happen. Keep locking that door." Hunter left Tech alone in the room. He quickly composed himself and left, walking to get some food for Valerie.


Valerie woke up in her bed. She had the blanket drawn up to her chest. She realized she was alone and sat up. Then remembering she still had no clothes on. She still kept the blanket close to herself and noticed her pajamas were neatly folded at the edge of the bed. The curtains were still open, the daylight lighting up the room. She heard a knock at the door and gripped the blanket tighter to her.

"Yes?" She called out.

"Val, it's me." The voice called out.

Valerie smiled. "Come in Tech." Tech quickly entered the room and shut the door behind him. In his hands was a small bowl. "What's in the bowl?" She looked up at him as he made his way to her bed.

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