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Valerie contacted Tech two days ago and she still hasn't heard from Tech or anyone else for that matter since she reached out. She managed to escape the clone troopers but now the planet was surrounded with empire troopers because they know a jedi is here with no escape. Valerie was making her way through the woods in the tree-line when she heard clone troopers. She ducked.

"Why are we still out here. The jedi isn't even here." One clone stated.

"We have our orders CT-6351 we need to scout the woods everyday-" the clone was cut short as Valerie jumped down and sliced the two clones with her lightsaber. She rummaged through their things and drank from the water canister. They had no food.

"Tech, where are you?" She muttered and jumped back into the trees and continued to make her way through the woods.

Valerie was watching the sun getting ready to set when her com-link went off. "Valerie you there?" Tech called out.

She pulled it from her back pocket. "Tech I'm here, where are you?"

"We just made it to Cantonica, send us your location."

"Here meet me here, It's a beachy area. The sun is starting to set and the clones become scarce at nightfall." She sent Tech the coordinates.

"I'll see you then Valerie, be careful." Tech said, Valerie clicked off the com-link and sighed. She was nervous to see everyone. Valerie took a deep breath and started making her way towards the beach.

The sun was setting and Valerie was perched in the trees near where she's supposed to meet the batch. She didn't have to wait long. She could see 5 people walking up and she had a sigh of relief. She picked out Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker, and a small child? Who is that girl? Valerie wondered, she was talking to the group when Hunter held out his hand. He knew she was waiting for them. They slowed their pace and raised up their hands. Valerie could feel a cold sweat down her back.

"Valerie. You can come out it's safe." Hunter called out. There's no point in hiding, she thought. She jumped down from the trees, pulled out her lightsaber, ignited it and slowly walked up to the group.

"Everyone take your weapons out slowly, drop them on the ground and kick them over to me." Valerie called out to them.

"Valerie it's us!" Echo called out.

"Do it!" She commanded, her voice cracked. Hunter knew she wasn't going to hurt them, but she could if she felt threatened or scared enough.

"Boys, listen to her." Hunter slowly took out his blaster followed by the rest of the bad batch.

"Why do we have to put down our weapons?" The girl said.

"Omega, listen to her, she's been through enough." Tech said. The girl listened to Tech and put her bow down. They all kicked their blasters away from them. The girl kicked her bow.

Valerie started to breathe heavily, she was scared. "Val-" Hunter took a step forward.

"Don't!" She screamed. "Stay back!" Hunter looked taken aback, as she repeated what she had said to him on Kaller, but this time listened to her. "I need to know I can trust-" she cut herself off, "I need to know it's really you guys."

They all hesitated, how were they supposed to let her know they weren't under the control of the inhibitor chip. Valerie could sense their hesitation. She gripped her lightsaber and took a step forward. Steadying her breath. Tech's face suddenly lit up. "Sixteen fighters!" He called out. Valerie stopped. "You told me fifteen fighters you've been trained to fly, and that you've never flown an Omicron. When we were attacked by the pirates. You didn't even hesitate to co-pilot with me. Making the Marauder number sixteen."

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now