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Valerie groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She still felt exhausted from using all her energy to find Omega. She sat up in the bed and she felt sadness on the ship. She got up and made her way to the source. She was in the main area of the Marauder and she heard Hunter in the bridge talking to Tech and Echo on a place to land. She could hear Wrecker snoring down the hall. She turned to the gunner seat as she heard a sniffle. She climbed up the ladders and Omega was facing away from her. "Omega?" She rubbed her shoulder.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said. Valerie climbed up, her feet hanging over the ladder. She put the girl's head in her lap and stroked her hair. She could feel Omega sigh in relief.

"We don't have to talk about anything, we can just sit here in silence." Valerie said and Omega nodded. The two of them just sat there. She kept stroking Omega's hair and she was looking out into the Galaxy. Valerie got lost in the stars and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Valerie felt the ship land and she opened her eyes. Omega was still in her lap and she was snoring softly. Valerie gently shook Omega away. Omega groaned and opened her eyes and looked up at Valerie. "Yes?" She whispered.

"I think we landed, come on dear." Valerie said and brushed aside some hair that fell in her face. Omega sat up and Valerie climbed down first. Omega was right behind her and she grabbed Valerie's hand. Valerie returned the gesture and the two of them made their way to the front. The boys were awake. Hunter and Tech both turned at the same time, they took notice of the girls holding hands. "Where are we?" She asked.

"Raxus." Hunter responded.

"Raxus?!" Valerie exclaimed. "This is separatist territory Hunter."

"Not since the death of their senator, Mina Bonteri." Tech said, holding his data pad. "The separatist blamed her death on an attack from the republic but it was actually rumored that it was Count Dooku who attacked the Bonteri House."

"Count Dooku? He was a sith lord right? I've heard Lama Su mention him sometimes." Omega looked down, sad.

Valerie and Hunter both picked up on this and she ushered her towards the door. "Enough of this, we all need a break. Come on Omega, let's take a step outside." Valerie said and opened the door to the Marauder. They walked down the steps and Valerie took a deep breath in. For a place that the dark side of the force surrounded, it was very beautiful. Lush green trees surrounded the area. In the distance Valerie knew a city was there.

"It's beautiful." Omega was breathless.

Valerie agreed. "Surprisingly it is Omega." The batch was behind them. Valerie could still sense sadness in the child. She knew Hunter would be hanging over her shoulder and figured Omega could use a break from him. She got close to Omega and whispered to where only she could hear. "Want to go for a walk?"

"Yes please." She whispered back.

Valerie nodded, "wait here." Valerie quickly got back onto the Marauder and grabbed a cloak for both her and Omega. She put the cloak on and made sure her lightsaber was hidden. She descended from the ship and put the cloak on Omega.

"Where are you two going?" Hunter questioned.

Omega looked up sheepishly and Valerie quickly interjected, "we're going for a walk."

"Actually Val I was hoping I could use your help on some repairs with the Marauder." Tech added.

Valerie pushed Omega towards the town and waved a dismissive hand, "sorry Tech I can't right now." She leaned back down, "move faster." She whispered to Omega.

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now