Plan 99

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Wrecker and Hunter, pried the doors open to the rail car. Everyone but Echo, who was still at the controls, looked down below. Valerie looked up and quickly jumped up and hoisted herself to on top the rail car. She looked at the mountains in front of her, a slight breeze blowing in her face.

"This is not ideal." Tech said, holding his data pad up.

"At least we're not hanging under the car." Wrecker stated.

"This isn't much better." Omega added.

Blaster fire shot at them and the group ducked back inside, Hunter quickly pulled out his blaster and started shooting back. Wrecker following suit. Valerie pulled out her lightsaber and started blocking the incoming fire.

"Echo, get this car moving!" Hunter ordered.

"The explosions must've knocked out power to the rail line." Echo said.

"I can try to reboot the system, but I will need to plug directly into one of the terminals on the track." Tech said.

Valerie knelt down and leaned over the edge. "I'm coming with you Tech." She yelled.

"You three, give us cover." Hunter said. "Tech up top with me." Hunter and Tech climbed up the ladder. Hunter gave Tech a boost to the top of the rail car, Valerie grabbed his hand and pulled him up. The two of them started climbing up to the top of the rail line.

Tech was in front of Valerie, climbing the ladder when he slipped.

"Tech!" Valerie yelled.

"I'm alright." He said, quickly gaining his footing. He made it to the top and some of the stormtroopers started firing at him. Valerie quickly climbed up behind him and ignited her lightsaber to start blocking some of the blaster fire.

The two of them started running, when the blaster fire made the rail lines shake. "Woah!" The two of them stumbled, Tech knelt down to steady himself. He turned and grabbed Valerie's arm to help steady her as well.

"Please be careful, we are only halfway across." He told her.

Valerie nodded. "I should be telling you that." The two of them stood up and continued running to the terminal, they looked at the short jump between them and Tech quickly jumped across and held on. "Please be careful." She turned her back to him in case she needed to block more blaster fire.

Tech ripped off the panel to the controls and plugged in his data pad. "I am plugged in. Stand by." He said into his coms.

Valerie looked above her as Hunter came over the coms. "We've got three ships inbound."

"Tech you need to hurry!" Valerie yelled at him.

"Tech we need power!" Hunter yelled at the same time.

Valerie watched as the starfighters shot at the rail car the others were in. One of the hinges broke from the damage. "Tech." Valerie warned.

"Echo now!" Tech said into his com.

Valerie watched the rail car and a moment later. "We're online." Echo replied.

Valerie looked back to the returning starfighters. "Tech let's go, now!" Tech pulled out his grappling hook and quickly returned to Valerie's side.

"Right behind you." He said.

Tech and Valerie took off running. "Tech hurry up!" She yelled. They were almost above the rail car when a starfighter shot at the rail car hinge in front of them. The hinge broke and the two of them slipped. Valerie landed on the rail car. Tech hung onto the side for a moment before also falling as well. Valerie was quickly by his side. "Are you alright?"

The Bad Batch Aftermath{TechxOC}Where stories live. Discover now