The Test of A Jedi

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A Twi-lek ran through the halls of a space station, she was looking for her friend. She just heard horrible rumors about another friend and she needed answers. She saw him walking down the hall, away from her.

"Echo!" She called out and the clone turned and stopped, waiting for her.

"Eloise?" Echo questioned. "What's the matter?" He asked once she caught up with him.

"I heard the Dynamo and Marauder just docked, but no one will let me on. Is it true?" Elosie tried to hide her panic, but failed. "Is Valerie dead?"

"Shh. Not so loud."

"No!" She grabbed his arm. "Echo I need to know!" Echo looked around and saw a door, he grabbed Eloise and pulled her inside. It was a storage closet. "Echo, why are you pulling me."

"Because they're trying to keep it under wraps."

"So she is dead..."

Echo sighed. "No, she's not dead."

"So why won't they let me see her either?"

"Because she's not awake either, she's on watch."

"On watch? I don't understand? Echo, what does that mean? She is a good person! Are you all just scared that she's a jedi?!" She started to raise her voice. "She rescued me-"

"Eloise calm down." Echo kept his voice calm.

"No!" She shoved him away, it wasn't a hard push. "I'm not going to let you all treat her like a prisoner."

"Eloise!" Echo grabbed her shoulders. "She's not a prisoner, it's for her safety and ours." Eloise looked at him, tears in her eyes. "Hey." He whispered and Eloise collapsed into his arms, he wrapped his arms around her and he rubbed her back. "Jedi who are under the amount of duress that Val is under are put under watch. It was like this with the republic. She is more susceptible to the dark side now more than ever."

"But she's not a bad person." She whispered.

"She is not, she is one of the greatest jedi I got to know, but she's in more pain than we can imagine. She lost her master, she was stabbed, and was on the brink of death all at once. Her emotions have taken its toll on her.

Eloise looked up at him. "So what happens while she's in this dream-like state?"

"All we can do is wait. She's probably fighting a war in her mind right now but there isn't anything we can do to help, just wait." The space station started shaking and the two of them lost their balance. "Eloise!" Echo fell to the ground and Eloise right on top of him, she lifted herself and looked at that.

"Why do I have a bad feeling that was Valerie?"

"You're not the only one." She got up and helped Echo up as well. "We should go." She nodded and followed Echo out the door, people could be seen running about as the two of them ran down the hall. The shaking happened again and Eloise braced herself against the wall.

"What's going on Echo?" She called out.

An alarm started sounding. "I'm not sure." They continued running until they entered the hall the Marauder was docked on. The two of them saw Tech, Wrecker, Moose, and Hunter who had just exited the Marauder. "Hunter, what's going on?"

"Echo, we're not 100% sure but we think it's Val. She whispers and when she does well-" The station started shaking again. "That happens."

Rex appeared as well, "Hunter, tell me that's not her."

"I can't say for sure but more than likely." Hunter said. "What do you want us to do?"

"She can't stay here, she'll tear the place apart." Rex sighed. "There's a planet nearby, Lothal. Take her there until whatever it is she's doing subsides."

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