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"Youngling Ortis. Youngling Tano. To me you will come." The girls turned and saw Master Yoda walking towards them. They ran up to him.

"Master Yoda." They both said with a bow at the same time.

"Strong younglings, the two of you become." He said he always spoke in riddles which sometimes confused Valerie.

"Thank you Master Yoda, Valerie and I have been practicing our teachings when we can." Ahsoka spoke for the two of them. Valerie nodded.

"Yes, noticed, the masters and I have." Master Yoda stated. "The conclusion, the Jedi Council and I decided that padawans, you two ready, you are."

Valerie and Ahsoka looked at each other. "Padawans?!" Ahsoka said excitedly. "Really." Master Yoda nodded.

"But wait wouldn't that make us the two youngest padawans?" Valerie asked.

"Indeed, but ready, the two of you are." Yoda again nodded.

"Come on Valerie, aren't you excited!" Ahsoka claimed.

"Believe me I am, I just wanted to make sure we are ready." Valerie said.

"Follow me, the two of you will. Masters, assigned already have been." Master Yoda started to walk away. The younglings followed him. He led them to two different gunships. Valerie just now realizes that she and Ahsoka will have to say their goodbyes for now. It made her sad. Master Windu was waiting for them.

"Master." He bowed. "Padawans."


The thought made Valerie smile a little. "I assume Master Yoda has told you that you two have been assigned masters already?" Master Windu asked.

"Yes Master Windu but he has not told us who our masters are." Valerie said.

"Very well. Padawan Tano. Master Yoda has assigned you to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. Knight Skywalker, Master Kenobi, Clone Legion 501st and Clone Legion 212th are all located on Christophsis. We have been trying to reach them but are unable too. We have a message for them that you will deliver. Do not fail us padawan." Master Windu said.

"I won't fail you Masters." Ahsoka said.

Master Windu turned to Valerie. "Padawan Ortis, Master Yoda has assigned you to Master Drake Amon and his Clone Legion the 671st. To Alderann you will go. The separatist have tried to take siege of the planet and Senator Organa called for help and away Master Amon went. To him and aid him. You will go. Do not disappoint us Padawan.

Valerie bowed, "I won't masters."

Master Yoda chuckled, "then time, we stop wasting. Go now, you shall do great things, you will." The two masters stepped aside and held their hands out. Valerie turned to Ahsoka.

"I guess this is goodbye Ahsoka." Valerie said.

"For now, we'll see each other at the Jedi Temple." She said.

"That we will. Stronger I will be next time I see you." She smiled, the two of them shook arms and ran to their designated gunships. Clones waited for Valerie as she approached the gunship. Their armor had lavender painted accents. 

"Jedi." One of the clones said, "my name is Captain Rickshaw. Your master awaits your arrival on Alderaan." He said. Valerie boarded the gunship

"CT-1019 it's a pleasure to meet you." Valerie said.

"Oh please you don't have to call us by out designation number, just our names." The captain said. "Captain or even just Rickshaw will do."

"Are you sure?"

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