Author's Note #2

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Hello lovelies, as I write more of my little fanfiction, I feel like I'm rushing things and I will be going back and editing and adding more parts to the beginning, and I've also changed "The First Mission" to "Saving The Handmaiden" as I will maybe be doing another first mission part, I do appreciate everyone for taking an interest in my TechxOC fanfiction. I really want to add more backstory through Valerie's memories(and further explore her force abilities) and things like that and I will be again editing the already posted parts(not really adding much just more fixing spelling, english, ect.) As I slowly fall in love back with writing I just think of new things to the add to the stuff I already posted. So thank you for you patience, and when I add the new parts I will come back here and notate the parts I added.

I also will be updating "Meeting The Batch" I'm taking out Echo(for now) as I will be adding the rescue on Skako Minor. I feel it will be a great oppertunity for Valerie to get to know TBB:)

I've added two new chapters so far, I've added a prologue and a chapter called Alone and I will be updating Meeting The Batch next.

An update:)

I've done most of the edits and added a couple more chapters, I finally added the Anaxes mission and the Skako Minor mission (in 2 parts) along with Unfinished Business.

4/10/23 update

Thank you for your patienceI finally went through all the chapters and fixed the grammer along with added a couple of chapters, I am back to working on the story again an hopefully will be updating more chapters soon!


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