Skako Minor Pt. 1

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Hunter was with Master Skywalker and Captain Rex. Crosshair, and Wrecker were in the Marauder, gearing up for the next mission. Valerie and Tech were sitting right outside and not to Valerie's surprise, Tech was on his data pad. She leaned over to him. "You know I was trying to see what you were doing on that thing on the battleship last mission."

"You were?" Tech looked at her and adjusted his goggles. "Why?"

"I don't know, you are quite attached to that thing, I was curious to see what you were doing on it." She said, "I wasn't sure if you were looking at some hot twi'lek girls."

Tech's cheeks flushed a little bit, "I-uh-wouldn't do something like that, this data pad is strictly for the missions."

Valerie laughed. "I'm just teasing Tech." She bumped her shoulder with his.


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you like that."

Tech looked down at his screen and showed her what he was looking at. "You didn't." Valerie picked up on the obvious lie but didn't call him out, "but what I was doing and doing now is just looking up the planet we're going too. To make plans for whatever comes our way." He looked back at her. "If you wanted to know, you could've just asked."

"I wasn't sure." Valerie's holoprojector beeped. It was the Jedi High Council. "Excuse me Tech." She stood up and walked away from him, leaving him to stare after her. She held up the holoprojector and it was Master Plo-Koon and Master Yoda. "Masters." She said.

"Knight Ortis, good to see you well, it is." Master Yoda said.

"Thank you master, I am well. Is everything alright?" She asked.

"Yes, we heard the report from Captain Rex and he said you have been a great help and now you and Clone Force 99 are assisting him and Knight Skywalker to Skako Minor." Master Plo-Koon said.

"Yes we are, Knight Skywalker is getting his men up to speed then we are leaving."

"Good, good." Master Yoda said. "When this mission finished, reevaluate things we will." Master Yoda said.

"You mean after this mission I can go back with the 671st?" Valerie said a little too eagerly.

"Not yet Knight Ortis, Master Yoda just means we'll look into things." Master Plo-Koon said.

"Oh." She was disappointed.

"Clone Force 99, you don't like?" Master Yoda asked.

"It's not that master I do like them. They are a good squad. I just-I just miss my boys." Valerie said.

"Patience Knight Ortis, you must have." Master Yoda said.

Valerie bowed, "I will masters. Do you need anything else?" 

"Nothing for now, keep up the good work knight." Master Plo-Koon said and Valerie turned off her holoprojector, she pocketed it and turned around Tech was right behind her. "Tech!" He startled her.

"Eager to leave us so soon?" Valerie couldn't tell but she thought there was a hint of hurt behind his voice.

"Oh Tech it's not that, I enjoy working with you boys. I just miss my boys, we all knew this wasn't a permanent thing."

"I see."

"Tech, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you-"

"I'm not hurt." He cut her off

"Tech I know you're lying."

Tech turned away from her, "Hunter wanted me to get you and let you know we are leaving shortly." He walked away from her.

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