Saving The Handmaiden

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"Okay does everyone understand the battle plans?" Valerie said leaning over a battle map, her lightsaber resting on the table as well.

Multiple clones stood around the table, one in lavender painted armor walked up to the jedi. "Yes, general the boys and I understand the plan itself, but the only question is where Master Amon stands with all of this?"

"Drake uh-is a little busy at the moment Commander Rickshaw." Valerie paused, "he's calling for backup and to plan more of a sneak attack kinda assault, but we nor Corellia have the time to wait for backup we need to take action now!"

"Are you sure it's wise going against Master Amon? You best answer that confidently." The commander raised an eyebrow towards the jedi.

Valerie made eye contact with her commander and smiled. "Yes I do Commander Rickshaw, I understand Drake's need to do things differently but I strongly believe that launching this counter attack is the best course of action, it's catch the Separatists off guard and at that point Drake's back up would have arrive and we will have won Corellia." The girl picked up her lightsaber off the table and looped it into her belt.

With that answer Commander Rickshaw laughed and patted the young on the shoulders, "atta girl! When you make plans you have to be confident with them. Otherwise if you don't have the confidence, your team won't have the confidence. With that being said congrats Jedi-Knight Ortis." The commander gave the girl a sly smile. "I agree launching the counter assault is a good idea and the boys and I are ready when you are ready, general."


Valerie was meditating before the mission on Eriadu.

"Valerie? Valerie?" The jedi was being shaken by her shoulders. Valerie gasped and opened her eyes wide and was met with light brown eyes behind a pair of goggles. Her hands were still resting on her knees but her cheeks were wet. "Valerie, are you alright? You were yelling just now." The clone stated matter-of-factly.

"I-um-yes I am. Can I ask what you're doing?" Valerie nodded to the clone's hands that were still on her shoulders.

"Oh sorry, you weren't responding when I was just calling out your name. I hope I didn't startle you." The clone took his hands off her and stood up. "What were you dreaming about that was causing the screams?"

Valerie shot up and was inches from the clone, "nothing." She exclaimed, wiping the dried tears from her cheeks. "Nothing Tech."


"I'm alright."

"Hey I get it." He tilted his head slightly.

"Yes everything's fine, seriously Tech, I swear." Valerie rambled on.

"Valerie everythings okay." He said nonchalantly. "We're getting ready to eat and Hunter wanted me to come get you, and we're also landing on Eriadu soon as well."

"Okay." Valerie took note of the two of them still standing so close to each other and at the same time Tech must've noticed too because both of them backed away from each other.

"Should we join the others?" Tech held a hand towards the door and Valerie nodded. Both of them walked out to where everyone was resting up before the mission. Tech took his spot in the main pilot chair. Wrecker walked up to Valerie and held out a ration to her.

"Here ya go Val," Wrecker smiled. "You'll need your strength for this rescue op."

"Thanks Wrecker-" Valerie paused. "Wait, did you just call me Val?"

"Yeah! Is that alright? Val is definitely quick and easy to say and besides the nickname suits you!"

Valerie paused for a minute, no one has ever given her a nickname before, she smiled at the giant clone. "Yes Wrecker it is okay! I really like it, no one has ever given me a nickname before." The others took note of the new nickname Wrecker gave Valerie.

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