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Valerie sat on one of the beds. She was staring off into space and one of her legs was shaking. Her brain was going a million miles a minute. She was so worked up she thought she could throw up at any moment. Valerie was so lost in thought she missed the person sitting down next to her.

"You're supposed to be sleeping." It was Bo. Valerie turned and looked at him, forgetting that the clones were on board with her. Moose and Ginkgo were flying the ship.

"I can't sleep, too worked up." Valerie stared back to the other side of the ship.

Bo laughed. "Yea I figured. What has you so worked up?"

"What is there not to be worked up about?" Valerie questioned, looking at him again. "Hunter, Wrecker, and Omega have thought I've been dead for like five months. What if they're mad that I've been alive this whole time."

"I don't think they'd be mad." Bo shook his head. "They'll probably have questions but they won't be mad."

"I don't know, Bo." Valerie sighed. "I think I would be mad."

"You would be mad?" Bo raised an eyebrow. "Look at it this way. You assume most of us from the 671st have been dead right?" Bo paused. Valerie nodded. "How does it make you feel? No, how did it make you feel when you found out Ginkgo and I were alive? Or even better, Moose and Rickshaw?"

"Relieved." Valerie admitted. "But it's not the same-"

"It is the same Valerie." Bo cut her off. "They will be relieved when they find out you are still alive. Same as the rest of us were when we found out. I can tell you none of us are mad."

Valerie smiled. "Thanks Bo. I can always count on you to pull me out of my own head."

"Anytime." Bo patted her shoulder.

Valerie tilted her head. Something else was on his mind. "Tell me Bo, what else is on your mind? I could use the distraction."

Bo shook his head. "It's a little ridiculous."

"I could use a little ridiculous."

"I miss Dodger."

Valerie tilted her head. "You miss Dodger?"

"I do." Bo admitted. "I know he's been gone for so long but he's my brother."

"You two were from the same training squad right?" Valerie asked. Bo nodded. "I remember Dodger. I miss him too."

"He had the biggest crush on you, you know."

Valerie smiled. "I did know actually."


"Yes, really." She laughed. "He wasn't exactly discreet about it."

"True." Bo nodded. Valerie was silent for a moment. "What is it?"

Valerie sighed. "That's why I kissed him before he died."

"You kissed him?!"

Valerie nodded. "When he and I were trapped, remember when I said he was gravely injured?"

"I do."

"I held him while he was dying, that much was true." Valerie paused. "I always knew how he felt but he admitted his feelings for me and he pushed me out of the way of danger. I felt... bad. He told me to move on to leave him behind but I couldn't. He was scared, even if he didn't admit it. So I held him and that's when I kissed him."

"You never mentioned that."

"I knew Drake would've been displeased with my actions. Since he sacrificed his life for mine I couldn't leave him behind."

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