Return To Kamino

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Valerie was sitting on the floor of the Marauder, she was laughing at Wrecker for acting out something goofy. Crosshair was sitting next to her, frowning as usual.

"-and then I ripped the heads off all the droids around me laughing!" Wrecker was laughing.

"Do you always laugh when ripping the heads off droids?" Valerie was still laughing.

"Yes." Crosshair moaned. "But he usually ends up needing to be saved by me because he gets carried away."

Valerie nudged him. "Aw come on Crosshair, no ones ever saved your butt?" She took a bite of the ration she had been holding in her hand.

He flicked the toothpick in his mouth. "No, I don't need saving."

Valerie smiled. "Well when the day comes I save your ass from a tinnie, I'm going to rub it in your face." She waved the ration around.

"Give me that." He snatched the ration and took a bit out of it, but he had a sly smile.

"Hey!" She said with a smile.

"Everyone focus, we have our orders." Hunter appeared from the bridge. Valerie stood up and nodded. Crosshair and Wrecker followed behind her, as she followed Hunter up to the Bridge. Tech was piloting when Hunter took a seat next to him.


Valerie opened her eyes. She wondered what her vision was about. She was sitting criss crossed in the middle of the floor of the Marauder. She stood up, brushing herself off and saw everyone was in the bridge. She walked up to the group. Tech was steadily flying the Marauder through Hyperspace and Valerie stood behind his seat. "Activating Hunter's coms was intentional." Tech stated.

"He wants us to come, like I said. It's gonna be a trap." Valerie said.

"Yes. The empire wants us to come back to Kamino." Tech said. "I am uncertain as to why."

"Do you think it's because of me?" Valerie asked.

"Or it could be because of me." Omega added. 

"Well there's no turning back now." Wrecker said, as they pulled out of hyperspace. 

"Are you positive about these coordinates?" Tech looked at Omega and asked.

"Yes. I told you. They're to a landing pad that we can use in Tipoca City." Omega said.

"Every platform down there will be swarming with troopers." Echo added.

Omega shook her head. "Not this one. Trust me."

"I'm only seeing three cruisers." Echo said. "Where's the rest of the fleet?" 

"Who cares? That's a good thing." Wrecker said.

Valerie sensed something more was going on than just Crosshair baiting them back to Kamino. "Still, something more is going on, we need to be very careful." She eerily said.

"Locking onto the coordinates." Tech said. It was storming on Kamino but Tech managed to get the Marauder onto the platform Omega said to land on. He tipped the ship down towards the water. "Hand on, this is going to get bumpy."

"I have a bad feeling about this." Valerie stated. Lighting struck the skies and Tech got closer to the water, he was hovering over the coordinates Omega gave him.

"We are at the given coordinates Omega. There is nothing here." Tech said.

"You have to get lower." Omega stated. Tech obliged and lowered the Marauder. "Lower." Tech gave her a look of concern but listened. Water hit the bottom of the wings.

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