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beginning of July

"Charlie come on. It's going to be fun, they are great people." Jenna begs through the phone.

I roll my eyes and stand to head towards the bathroom. "I dont doubt that they're great people and that it will be fun but I had a long ass day today and tomorrow I have to be up early again."

"Thats the life of an actor baby. Work all day, party all night."

"Dude," She sits on the other end of the phone silent. "I was going to work on some projects."

"Art projects? Does that mean you're coming?" She asks eagerly.

"Yes." To both questions. She sighs out a relieved breath.

"Thank God, you know social with people aren't my thing, this is new."

"I know." I remember back to the beginning of filming Wednesday. Jenna was such a bitch and antisocial. And now I've seen and done everything with her even though it's only been a few months.

"Okay, I'm coming to pick you up."

"What do I wear?" I say as I swipe my eyelashes with mascara once more, leaving the bathroom to head towards my closet.

"Umm," She pauses. I just know she's looking at her outfit. "Casual, it's just dinner, not a fancy place but be cute."

"Im always cute don't be dumb."

"Dont be an asshole." I laugh and pull out a black shirt with a wide cut in the back, and white jeans.

"Okay Im pulling up, hurry." Jenna says.

"Okay love you!" I hang up before she says anything.


"There is Melissa, Devyn, Mason, Jack, and Hayden." Jenna says, going over the people at the dinner.

"Im going to be," I count the people in my head, pausing. "seventh wheeling."

"No you're not don't be a goof."

"Jenna you've all met each other and in a movie together, I'm young, and am not even in this movie." I explain. She is Jenna, she pulls everyone along with her, she doesn't get pulled.

"Youre not the only young one Char. I'm only twenty, and Jack is seventeen."

"Seventeen?" I ask in a shocked tone, that is a young actor in a big environment. He clearly has talent.

"Eighteen in," She pauses to think. "I think November."

"Okay." I say skeptically.


"Hi, Im Charlie." I say, introducing myself to the final person at the table. So far everyone has been better than I figured they would be, but I also just got here.

"Hey Charlie I'm Jack." He gives me a toothy grin and holds out his hand for a handshake.

I take his hand, laughing quietly to myself.

"Jack. A handshake?" Jenna says from where she spies on us behind me.

"What am I supposed to do?!" He asks, laughing at himself.

"I appreciate the handshake Jack." I sit down at the spot in front of me, between jack and Jenna. Melissa sits in front of me.

Just as I expected, everyone at the table laughs and talks loud and obnoxiously leaving me out. It gives me a headache with the loud restaurant and then our group on top of it.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now