twenty eight

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October 11th



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visiting my huns on set one last time

@jackchampion @masongooding


jackchampion last time in the trailer🥲
  ^charlieweiss she was an icon while it lasted

jennaortega and I couldn't be invited🤨

gigihadid look at you
  ^charlieweiss stoppp

username1 jesus Charlotte

mason my huns are the best


Instagram dms


why did you call me Charlotte


That is your name

I do not use that name

I do

who are you

You probably know by now



October 13th

For the next two days, I spend my time by myself.

I dont want to push it too much with Jack, I don't want to annoy my friends, I need to clear my mind, and I also just feel like I cant go out.

After the messages with the random person it's got me worried about who the hell knows my name. People know my name, but no one ever uses it.

The only thing that helps me is drawing and painting out what plays in my mind. Most of the moments right now, it is scribbles.

It is what I did when I was kid, so it is one of the few things that I do now.

A couple people, including Jack and Jenna, have reached out to me, but I haven't answered. I don't want to be a nuisance. There is so many other things that I need to figure out before I talk to them.

My emotions go back and forth so much it is hard to keep track of anything that crosses my mind.

Deciding if I want to go on like this is the hard part. Isolation and decompression have been a huge thing for my entire life. In the past it wasn't a good thing, so I don't want it to become comfortable now. But it is always something I resort back to anyways.

"Charlie," I look behind me, towards the door of my tiny backroom in the art gallery.

"Sharky," I smile, and wave. I didnt think he was working the gallery today.

"Im heading out."

"Alright see you tomorrow probably."

"Im going on a trip actually."

"Oh that's great, where?" I smile.

"France, it gonna be this tour thing."

"That sounds amazing."

"I know Felice and i are so excited. But also, happy early birthday."

"Thank you Sharky, have a good trip." We both wave once and then he leaves, letting me stay to lock up later.

Turning back to my canvas, my creativity stops. Nothing comes to mind, making it hard to do anything with this piece.

I grab my phone and go to my messages. This is a sign that I need to stop self isolating.

I need to do some of the things I said I would do and never did.


hey, what are you doing?
you're leaving Canada soon right

I am wrapping a shoot rn
Yeah I'm leaving in two days
when are you leaving

I'm going to LA in November with Jack and Jenna
can we meet up tomorrow, i need to talk to you

yeah, yes pls I've been waiting
are you good?

yes we just need to clear some things yk

yeah ofc
wanna come over?

it won't be long we can just meet up for coffee or something

okay see you soon c

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now