fourty five

757 17 3

5:37 am
October 8th

"How long are you here for?" I ask Gigi. I lay backwards with my feet up on the couch.

She sits on the ground, criss cross beside me. We both are eating popcorn.

"As long as you need me for." She says, taking a hand full of popcorn.

The two of us have been nonstop talking since we woke up from the tragic nap in the foyer yesterday.

"Youre lying." I say, squinting my eyes at the ceiling.

She laughs quietly. "Im not."

I laugh at her and shove her arm, getting a rush to my head. "Yes you are I can hear it in your voice."

"I have a flight to go home tonight but seriously I can just not go."

I roll my eyes. "I dont need a babysitter."

"Mhm." She says skeptically.

"I mean I could probably use it, but your daughter needs you more than I do." I laugh and flip onto the ground beside her.

"Dude, I just want you to be okay."

I nod slowly, thinking about our time together. My habits have completely changed. But it is probably just because of her.

"I have taken everything you said into consideration and I will be fine with time."

"Speaking of which, you should text Jack and Jenna. And anyone else who texted who matters to you."

I groan and throw my head back onto the couch. "I need to text Jack." I breath out with anxiety. "What do I even say to him?"

She shrugs, taking another bite of popcorn. "I dont know," I look over at her with dead eyes. "Um, hey Jack, I'm okay, thank you for thinking of me. Right now I'm not ready to meet up but maybe we could get lunch in a couple days. Or if you are ready to meet up and such."

I laugh at her and squeeze my eyes shut with dread. "Okay Gigi," I say, making fun of her.

Her laugh bursts out and she holds her hands out, confused. "What?" She laughs out.

"I don't know man." I say, skeptically.

"Okay well its just a good alternative. I need you to call me if you need anything."

I give her a thumbs up and we continue eating popcorn.


5:30 pm

The first time being out of the house, I drive her to the airport. It all goes well until we are stopped in traffic on a busy road.

Tons of people pass by, and the next thing I know, a bunch of people with cameras show up.

We both hide as much as we can, and leave the traffic as soon as possible. I can already imagine the articles to be connected with that.


When I drop of Gigi, I get home quickly. I head towards the drawing room but pause halfway there. I can't just continue this.

There has to be something different. Because I am strong.

In this moment they cant control me so why am I letting them?

Instead I head towards the bathroom to take a much needed shower.



Charlie (Charlotte) Weiss out today in LA, with Gigi Hadid.

This is the first time anyone has seen her since the information has came out and the internet broke.

Charlie is looking rather shaken up and comfortable in her hoody  and sunglasses.

She has yet to say anything regarding the recent news.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now