thirty three

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The rest of the night, Jack and I walked around and he led me everywhere with his secret plan. We went to dinner and then to a little shop across the street. Everything that we did together was fun.

As we sit the side of the road, eating ice cream in the freezing cold, I look over at him. "Im glad you can be crazy with me."

It was my idea to take the ice cream outside. He hesitated but said yes to me.

"Have you met me? Crazy is my middle name."

I roll my eyes at him and then smile. "Oh yeah totally." I yawn. "Can I see your phone?"

He nods and hands me his phone with confusion. I check the time, it is already around eleven. Then I take a picture of the two of us, while he laughs at me.

"It is so late." I whisper leaning on his shoulder.

"Wanna go home?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I dont want to be alone."

"I see." After this amazing day I just want to be with him all the time. I want to tell him everything and then leave him all at once.

"Do you want to come over?" I move and look up at him. He smiles.

"If you want me to I will." He assures.

I nod with a little hesitancy. It is scary to have him come over.

We aren't together, I know he doesn't want to do anything unless I do, yet in the back of my mind there is hesitancy about what can happen. But then I tell myself it is nothing new.

"Alright, ready?" He asks, I nod and he stands up.

"Zoomers." I laugh and joke with him didn't expect him to want to leave right away.

"I will sit back down." He says laughing.

"Nope." I stand up quickly.

He shakes his head smiling at me and grabs my hand. "What?" I ask him.


"Jack come on." I whine as we begin to walk. The nice thing about the ice cream shop that we went to is that it's within walking distance.

"No I'm not trying to freak you out." I give a mischievous smile and move to standing in front of him.

I think for a moment before convincing him further to tell me. "Do it."

He rolls his eyes and looks down, breaking our eye contact.

"I was just, you know-" Jack starts to blush. "Looking at ya." He says awkwardly.

"So admiring me or what?" I ask. His answer is not the answer that I was looking for.

He nods awkwardly. I roll my eyes at him. "Youre not freaking me out Jaqueline."

"Sorry ma lady." He jokes.

"Youre okay," I look ahead of us to the street a while away. "I secretly admire you too sometimes."

"Oh yeah?" He teases.

"I mean yeah, you're, like, super jacked man." I pinch one of his biceps and we both laugh.

"Jacked jack." He says laughing.

"Exactly. However though, I am much better at being secret about it." I say, making it a competition.

"How do you know I don't want it to be a secret?" His shoulder bumps into me, playing with me.

"Because then you wouldn't have blushed."

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now