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mid august

July ended quickly, I've been stuck at work for the last two weeks nonstop. It was the ending of filming, so we had to finish everything and get extra takes.

It is sad for it to end. Now I have to go back to New York for a shoot for a weekend.

Jenna cant go with us which I hate. I hate not traveling with anyone. I love to travel but friends make it so much better.

When I get to New York, I will meet up with friends though. After NY I will fly to Canada again and live there temporarily again.


charlieweiss's story

charlieweiss's story

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reply- jackchampion

char where you going?

New York

girl when

haha in three days


go with me
after all, this scream movie is in NY, say you're drawing inspo

we already did our scenes in NY, I've already got inspo

umm then idk

dude if I can't go, we have to hang out before

yeah we haven't hung out in like three weeks

since we went shopping😭

what kind of friends are we

good ones 🤚

what's the 🤚

high five Charlie.


hand to forehead


wanna get dinner?

with the Jack Champion, yes I do

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