thirty seven

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October 27th
Enola Holmes Two Premiere night

I watch Jack through the mirror in front of me as he lays on my hotel bed, flipping through a romance book I brought.

My two favorite people swarm around me, doing my hair and makeup. They talk each other's ear off. I'm sure they wanted me to be in their conversation but I am not really thinking about anything right now.

I cant wait to be able to have this movie out, and then all of the other ones right after.

My makeup and hair look is really simple. I want my looks to embody my character, Enola, but my outfit to be modern with little reflections of it. It was important that we had a dress like that when I was speaking with my designer. It is like my own version of Enola in this universe.

"Alright Charlie, you like it?" My hair lady, Azzy, asks.

I nod with a big smile. "I love, Az."

She smiles and turns, proud of her work. I look back in the mirror and notice Jack looking away from the book and up to me. I wave at him, and wink like a creep.

He laughs at me and lets go of his head, to fall into the mattress. My makeup person, Dany and I laugh at him.

"So who is he?" Dany whispers to me as he brushes on a slight red eyeshadow.

I scrunch up my face, thinking about it for a moment. I have no idea what to even say when people ask that.

Guy I am best friends with that barely knows me who I happen to kiss. But I actually love him and he doesn't know it? Even though I have severe personal issues that I don't face?

"Hes my very very good friend Jack." I answer, full volume this time.

Dany nods and then shrugs one of his shoulders in a way that hints to 'more then friends'.

"Eh. In some ways." We both burst out laughing.

A moment later, Jack stands up and walks over to the fridge. I already know he is going to find nothing. "Charlie, what happened to the little salad or rice we had from yesterday?"

I look down as he grabs a chair and pulls it up next to the makeup station. "I, uh- I ate it." We both laugh. "I was hungry!"

Dany laughs at me and holds out his hand for a high five. I high five him back and then look back to Jack's amused face.

"Why do you even need makeup?" He picks up one of the extra tubes of makeup from the make-shift desk in front of me.

"It makes her be-a-utiful." Dany explains, pronunciating almost every letter.

"Shes already beautiful."

I look at him and smile, my cheeks growing red. His honesty is going to kill me. "Thats why I only do it when people are hired to do it."

"Charlie! You should do mine!" He yells, dropping the tube of makeup.

I laugh at him and Dany moves his hand as I turn more to look at Jack more comfortably. "Okay yes! I will when we aren't on a time scrunch." I promise.

Dany sighs as I turn back around and I just give him a smile that says "I'm sorry".

"Okay, I am done." Dany says shortly after, taking away the lip gloss.

I stand up and turn to give him a huge hug. "Oh my god, thank you D." He nods as we hug. "Im gonna need to see you for the next one too." I insist.

"Oh of course ma'am." I slap his arm playfully when he addresses me like that. He knows I hate it. He laughs and pushes me away. "Alright lets get this amazing dress on."


When I walk out of the bathroom the first person, one of the only people left in the room, is Jack.

As soon as I walk out, he stands up from the rolling chair and wipes his hands along his suit pants.

Jack's eyes are wide, wider then normal, and his lips are slightly parted. I smile at him and look down to his button up.

Before either of us say anything, I am once again smothered by my help, looking at the back to get it buttoned all up.

I look down and answer one of the questions about the dress as they are admiring and adding touches. I
sneeze as someone brushes glitter onto my chest and get it almost everywhere.

I hear Jack's laugh from somewhere in the room but don't see him. My breathes get deep, but I manage to stay calm.

The minute everyone leaves, I finally walk over to Jack and hug him once more before this hugely overwhelming night. With no hesitation, he wraps his arms around me as well, and rests his chin on my head.

"You okay?" He whispers. I nod underneath him.

"Just a lil overwhelming sometimes." I say back, talking almost to his strong chest.

"I could tell."

I smile at him and then look up to him. "These make me nervous."

He shakes his head and makes a nonchalant face. "Youre stunning and the entire filled premiere is there for you," He shrugs. "And your cast. You deserve it as much as anyone does. And even more in a lot of cases." He pep talks starring into my eyes the entire time.

My cheeks heat up again, I can feel every single knot in my stomach. "Jesus Jack." Getting nervous because of him now, I rest my head on his chest.

I've never had anyone speak to me like that. My friends have all given me speeches, but I never took them like Jack's. Hes actually began to know me and isn't weirded out or treats me any different.

"What?" He asks between giggles.

"You drive me crazy kid." He laughs again.

"You as well Charles." I roll my eyes at him, but secretly get even more butterflies, absolutely swallowing my stomach.

"Ready for this?"

He nods, grabbing my hand. "Ready for anything Charlotte."

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