twenty six

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October 4th

I get to the art gallery before Jack and sit inside on one of the many benches before you enter the gallery. My stomach does multiple flips at even the thought of being with him.

It is so weird because all of these feelings are just coming and progressing more and more every day. My internal panic is real right now.

It seems that the fighting has become falling further for him.

Every time the door opens, I look up, hoping and getting nervous that it is Jack.

Finally when I look up again, he walks in. He smiles and waves as I stand and we both walk to each other. When we come together, it becomes awkward. Neither of us knew what to expect when we stood in front of each other.

"Can I get a hug?" I ask awkwardly. Standing in front of him and seeing him just makes me want to be with him.

He nods, "I was really hoping we could."

My hands wrap around his neck and I rest my head on his shoulder, letting out a huge pent in breath. I feel him smile against my head.

"God we are so awkward." I state while regretting even standing up from the bench.

"Girl we haven't talked in forever." I laugh at him calling me girl. He knows that I think it's funny.

"Since coffee."

"Yeah long time."

"True thats the only reason we are awkward Jack."

"Mhm." He hums, making my heart do a flip.

We begin to walk in, and stay talking as we observe the art very slowly. "How was Athena?" He asks.

"Um well," I pause at the second piece, taking it in. "She seemed like she was fine, but deep down you could tell-"

"She was not." He finishes. I nod. His face turns sad. "Yeah I've gotten that vibe whenever I text or call her."

"Has she told you about the situation?" I move and look up to him.

"Yep. So has Jamie, I don't know it's pretty fucked."

I nod. "Yeah it is," I laugh quietly to myself.

"What?" He asks smiling at me.

"Nothing." I deny, heading towards another large painting.

"Char what?"

I laugh again. "Well I was gonna say thats why you don't let people in." He rolls his eyes and nods.

"Oh of course it was." I laugh and grab his arm to support me from my dumb laugh. "I like this one."

I stop laughing momentarily and look up to a red canvas with different blue figures and shapes. "Me too."

"I wouldn't do something like what he did to you." He turns to me, grabbing the arm that holds his. Our eyes meet and I get chills.

My grin grows from nervousness. "What?" I ask, confused on why he is telling me.

"He just got this girl out of no where you know? I am waiting."

"For a new girl?" I ask. Is he seriously talking about this right now?

"No Charlie," He laughs, closing his eyes. I shrug my shoulders. "How many times do I have to say it? I'm waiting for you."

"Ohhh!" I laugh at myself. He shakes his head with amusement. An old lady walks around us, trying to see the painting. I grab his arm and pull him to the side. "You know, I wish you didn't have to wait."

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now