thirty four

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October 24th

"Youre coming to New York then?" Gigi asks through the phone.

"Yeah, we are leaving tomorrow," I look at Jack and shake my head at the belt he holds up. We are at the store to pick up some things before we leave tomorrow. "I have my premiere on the twenty seventh."

'shit i need to call louis' I mouth to Jack. He nods and pretends to write it down.

Last night we discussed it and decided that he should come with. Some time apart from him would probably be good with all of the time that we've been spending together, but we also have a long busy couple of months ahead of us.

"Who is we?" Gigi asks. Shit, she noticed it.

"Uhh," I look over at Jack as he tries on a weird hat and laugh. "Jack and I."

He notices his name and looks up at me with a curved eyebrow.

She squeals through the phone. "Jack?! God I'm glad you guys are speaking. You're fucking post was so slay."

I laugh at her and roll my eyes. "Thank you Geeg."

"I have to meet him. And we have to talk major guy talk okay?"

"Okay we will."

"Girl, promise?" She knows that I probably wouldn't have if I didn't promise.


"Okay well I have to go babe, I love you."

"Love you too." I say, hanging up and looking at Jack. I can't believe I was saying those words to Jack last night and he didn't even hear.

"Okay so I found this shirt." He brings me a shirt and I immediately shake my head.

"Jack we need to go to New York I am telling you we can get racks of clothes and just pull."

He gives me a weird look and shakes his look. "I just don't have all this celeb stuff down."

"Well maybe cause you don't really have any movies out Jaqueline." He nods.

"That would make sense."

"Can we get some food?" I ask grabbing his hand.

"Yes we can do it in New York I guess." He jokes, rolling his eyes. "Are you gonna call Louis?"

"Oh yeah!" I pull out my phone and call one of my best friends. Louis Partridge is in the small circle of people I trust. "Hey louis!"

"Hey Charlie what's up?"

"I literally cant wait to see you dude. When are you landing in New York?"

"Im there right now, I've been doing a little work."

"Oh damn okay. What are you doing after the premiere, and then also what are you wearing?"

"Why are you asking?"

"I need a party spot after and I have a friend that needs an outfit and he doesn't know what to wear."

"Who's the friend miss Charlie?" He asks, teasing me. Damn him.

"Answer the damn question Lou."

"I will take you guys to the party with me after, and a black suit but make sure it's something interesting."

"Okay, love you!"

"Love ya Charlie."

"Jack we are gonna get you a fun suit." I turn to him and smile as we reach the car.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now