fourty six

833 21 3

november 9th

I run around my kitchen with my phone as the day slowly creeps on me, trying to get more comfortable so I can send this stupid text.

When I charged my phone, the only thing I checked among the hundreds of notifications was Jack's. He blew up my phone with thirty six texts and eleven calls.

He has to answer this one, he is probably dying to get it. and that makes me scared. I just want to send but for him to never ever answer.

charlie what's up girllll
wanna hang out today? my mom is gonna go get her nails did so we could hang


I just saw some of the stuff online
I didn't read it
I tried not to read any of it


Charles I really need you to be okay

pls answer me.

pls charlie.


hi Jack
I'm okay, I've been at home the past couple of days
if you want to, you can come over tomorrow and we can have some lunch or something
Idk how much i will end up telling you but I want to see you and just try explaining a little

I read. I sit there and repeat reading it over and over again. Does that sound right?

Before I can reread it once more, I finally send it, setting down my phone in front of me. I have tons of other things to check. Including the group chat for Jack's birthday since it is coming up.

I cant face my phone until he texts back though.

Finally, after a whole two minutes, I get a text back.

i would love to come over Charlie, thank you for texting me back
I hope you are good
and my mom says she does too (I don't think she knows anything though because she's just her)
anyways, see you tomorrow at 1?

sounds good Jack <3


Char come on this isn't a joke

why aren't you answering me
dude are you okay?

charlie I am so worried right now.

fucking answer me dude


these things in the magazine and shit are nothing charlie

hi, I'm okay now, Gigi came if she didn't tell you

I will see you soon okay?

thank you for answering love
I hope your well, I will see you soon


Charlie I saw somethings online, I hope you're well

thank you louis, I'm good now
I love you

yeah ofc any time, let me know if you need anything
I love you too


thena love
charlie I need you to answer now pls

i love you okay?

anything that is being said doesn't matter to me I hope you know that
I really need to talk to you
if you don't want to talk that is fine
but I would love to see you okay


everyone is really worried about you

I hope to see you

thank you for texting me
I miss you
thank you for everything Athena
I will be fine with time
I just need time

thena love
okay im glad
pls let me know about anything if you need to
I will come over any time
I love you

thank you again
I love you too


bday bashin

hey guys we need to finish planning Jack's birthday

hi charlie! thanks for texting back

we got a place to go in LA its a beautiful place. honestly we just need you to choose decorations cuz we have no idea and then order them from this place that we found based in LA and pick them up since none of us are there yet

sounds good b

omg I love b

how are you charlie?

hi charlie!

hi guys!
I'm doing fine wbu

we are good

thats good
I will take care of the decorations loves

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now