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two years later- December 3rd

"Jack we are going to be late." Charlotte yells from the bathroom.

"Love, I literally cant get ready any faster." Jack yells back from their second bathroom.

The couple are both getting ready for a fancy dinner the night before the red carpet of their romance.

Charlotte laughs and rolls her eyes. "Its probably your damn funky socks."

"It's not the socks! Stop blaming everything on them." He screams back at her. Jack and Charlotte have been feuding about Jack's socks all the way back to the Avatar press tour when he would wear them for interviews.

Charlotte criticized them, but secretly loves them. She just thinks it is funny to tease him after all this time.

"Okay Im ready." He says, walking into the bathroom.

Charlotte smiles at him and turns around from the mirror. He walks up to her, standing close in front of her.

"Damn Charlotte." He smiles, looking down at her.

"Damn Jack." She laughs back.

"My gal is too fine." He flirts in a weird voice, making her laugh. The two of them always do that. Act weird for one another and the other laugh.

"Shh." She laughs. Grabbing his handz she stands up, starting to pull them along towards their door. "We have to go everyone will be waiting."

He raises his eyebrows. "Everyone can wait."

"Athena and Jenna will be mad."

"And that's why we have Jamie, Britain, and Trinity." He says back, smartly.

"Lets avoid that Jaqueline." She laughs as she lets go of him and runs out the door without him.

Jack runs after her, laughing back. Their voices fill the hallway of their apartment building.

Over their relationship in the last two years, the pair has had to overcome a lot of things. Some obstacles unthinkable.

Charlotte has had to learn to grow to be with someone. And it was hard on both of them.

But like Jack said, he would always be there, no matter what. Heaven and hell.

She had to believe. And she did.

Jack had to support her and she had to support him. Which sometimes wasn't the easiest. Long distance and living together.

Hate comments, death threats, backing out and getting scared. It seemed as if they faced it all.

Yet the pair made it work. Their love lays deep within one another.

When they fell for each other, they fell hard.

Falling madly in love for someone always comes with prices. Falling in love for someone takes time, patience, pain.

And with all of that, they were finally willing to start Falling in love

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now