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dinner irl

"Yeah," I nod at Jack. "For being famous or whatever, I am surprisingly lonely."

"Well yeah but you have cast friends and I mean look at your comments." He laughs slightly.

"Anyone hypes up anyone in comments." I point out.


"But I've got," I pause thinking about my best friends. Jack and I have be sitting together, sipping on mocktails, talking even though our food is gone. "Jenna, Louis Partridge, umm,"

I look over at him and notice his eyes gaping into mine. It feels like he is trying to analyze something. "Millie Bobby Browns a good one. Gigi hadid. I don't know man."

He smiles and nods. "Thats-"

I cut him off and shove my hands towards him. "Wait wait, and of course the Jack Champion."

"Oh I'm honored." He holds his heart and pouts his lip.

"I couldn't forget you." I smile and grab one of the oranges hanging on the edge of his glass.

"Char!" He scolds. I laugh at him and eat the orange.

"Who are yours?"

"Um kids back home, Willa, Romeo, Avatar fam like Trin, Bailey, Jamie, Britain. And Britains best friend Athena."

I nod, taking a sip of my drink. "And of course you." He jokes.

"Oh of course." I mock.

He smiles along with me and watches me. It makes me smile weirder and get nervous. God I hate this.

"Jack," I say.

"Huh?" He asks.

"Youre starring."

"Yep," I raise my eyebrows at him surprised. No explanation? "And you are too."

I am. Shit.

"But you're being the intimidater, I'm confused."

"Just admiring." He states.

"Oh," I whisper. "Admiring." I strike a pose, pursing my lips and setting my hands underneath my chin.

He laughs, making a weird face shortly after.

"We are dumb." I say, still laughing.

"Dumb together."

I smile at that and watch him again.


"Dude you're leaving me forever." Jack says as we walk back to my short term apartment.

"About a month isn't forever." I raise my eyebrows and look up at him from beside me.

"But with you gone it's going to feel like forever Char." He complains.

"Youre a big baby." He frowns at me and then replaces it with his smile once again. "Just come with."

"Hmm," He hums. "How about, if I get work off, I'll come visit you."

"In the week that I'm gone?"

"Yes maam." He nods.

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