twenty two

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"Holy shit!" I yell, driving to a coffee shop. "No fucking way you're coming here in two days too! I'm coming to see you."

Athena laughs through the phone. "Okay, I will get you tickets."

"Yes, thank you."

"Bitch like I would let you even get away with not coming."

"Good, we have so much to catch up on."

"No for real, I wanna hear everything about Jack and you. SPEAKING OF WHICH, I saw Jennas post!" She practically screams.

Laughing I nod to myself in my car. "Yes yes."

"So you made up?"

"Ehh-" I cut myself off and think about her own relationship with Jack. "Bitch wouldn't you know? You're in a group chat with him."

She laughs awkwardly. "Yeah but this kid doesn't know anything. And it was awkward I don't know."

"Okay well we didn't exactly make up make up. But we discussed said sorry. I'm sure it will still be awkward and stuff."

"Huh." She says.

"Im going to meet up with him right now."

"Why didn't you tell me about the concert earlier?"

"I don't know girl."

"Well tell me shit."

She laughs. "Okay I will."

"Good, I have to go, but I will be seeing you soon!"

"Cant wait Twink."


The moment I walk into the coffee shop, Jack's face lights up. He sits a couch with a coffee table in front of it. We figured getting coffee was the perfect thing for a rainy day.

When I get to the coffee table he stands, and we give each other a hug. I'm so happy that we are trying to get back to normal. It seems like forever ago when we kissed.

"Hi Jaqueline." I say as I sit down.

"Dont you wanna get coffee."

I roll my eyes and pout my lip dramatically. "But my legs hurt." I whine.

He rolls his eyes back at me and then smiles.

"I'll go get it for you."

I sit up straighter and grab his hand. "No no, I am seriously fine right now."

"Im going to get you something Charles."  He leaves me sitting on the couch.

I was him as he talks with the barista, of course making conversation. He is so good at making people feel like someone cares. It's scary sometimes.

When he gets back I smile as he sets down my drink.

"I wasn't sure if your coffee order changed but I got you a dirty chai."

I smile at him and grab it. "Perfect. A little slut chai."

He laughs and gets situated on the couch next to me. Our legs meet and stay there.

"Did you know Athena is coming here?"

"I did." He nods.

"And you didn't tell me?" I'm am appalled.

"We weren't really speaking when she told me."

I nod slowly. "Are you going to see her?"

"No, I can't. Are you?"

"Yeah she got me a ticket. I'm so excited."

"Im jealous."

"Let swap places." I suggest, joking with him.


I look down at the art journal I brought with me and look back up at him.

His eyes follow me and give me a funny look when our eyes meet. "What?" I ask.

"Can I see a drawing?"

My eyebrows slightly raise. "Umm," Last time he asked I said no. It is personal to me. After everything that happened it makes me even more hesitant.

I sigh and grab the crusty sketchbook. Flipping through the pages I turn away from him. When I look up for a second I notice his dark eyes watching me. It makes me nervous that he is observing me.

I turn around the notebook once I land on a random one and laugh quietly behind the page

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I turn around the notebook once I land on a random one and laugh quietly behind the page.

His hand moves to the top of the book and shoves it down to my lap giving me an unamused face.

"Thats what I call talent babe." I say sarcastically.

"You are quite talented."

I smile and set the book back down on the table. "Thanks darling my work is for sale, five-hundred dollars." I say in a snooty voice.

"Here you go maam." He pretends to hand me money. We both laugh at our stupidness.

The rest of the time we sit and talk about what's been happening with Scream. Parts of the conversation get awkward but we both laugh out of it and joke around.

It begins to be back into the rhythym of everything before.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now