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next day online



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liked by 4.3 million others

spent the day with the stunning @charlieweiss


username she is so beautiful

username2 she spends time with Jack champion, Jenna Ortega, Noah schnapp, louis partridge and now Marcus Steven's it's not fair

jennaortega stunning is for me and Jack to call her
  ^charlieweiss j bffr

charlieweiss thank you for spending the day with me M <3
  ^marcusstevens I would love to do it again




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liked by 1.2 million others

spent the day with the talented @marcusstevens and found out he likes lunchables


jackchampion omg I like those too have any leftovers?
  ^charlieweiss no we went to the gas station and got them

marcusstevens Char you said you weren't going to post this
  ^charlieweiss I lied😍

athenacarter turn of events
  ^jennaortega yep

username he is hot

zendaya he is such a good photographer

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