thirty six

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charlieweiss insta story

The entire time we were landing on the, plane I was bouncing off of the walls because I am back in New York, and with Jack this time

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The entire time we were landing on the, plane I was bouncing off of the walls because I am back in New York, and with Jack this time.

When we leave the airport, I already got us a ride. "Holy shit Charlie!" Jack smiles and covers his mouth, letting go of his suitcase, instead of my hang in amazement. "A limo?"

I laugh at him and nod. "Only the best of course."

When we finally get in he just looks around all over, grabbing and touching everything in sight. "Have you never been in a limo?"

"I mean yeah, but this one is mega fancy Charlie. And I can't believe you did this."

"More so my managment," I shrug as he finally sits down next to me again. "But yeah."

He looks at me with his big eyes and fluffy hair and stares for a moment. My eyes leave his. I hate when he stares, it makes me feel so awkward.

"Thank you Charlotte." I look up to him quickly. I didnt expect him to use my name much without my permission. He hasn't at all since the time I asked him too.

It also didn't occur to me that I would even like it.

But hearing it come out of Jack's mouth just made my entire, already perfect day, more perfect.

"Of course Jack."


"Jack Champion, do you like blue or black more?" I ask as we walk down the stairs to the nasty subway.


"And horses or zebras?"

"Oh, um" He thinks for a moment, weaving through the crowd with me.

"Probably zebras."

"Have you ever seen a zebra in person, not at a zoo?"

"Nope." He shakes he head. I love playing this game with him. It is not even a game, we just ask questions back and forth when nothing presents itself to talk about.

"Gosh dang."

"Have you?" He asks me when we finally sit down.

"Nah, I have felt a sloth though. They are quite soft."

He smiles and the nods. "Thats cool."

"Are you gonna tell me where we are going?" He shakes his head. I've been following this man for the past fifteen minutes through New York with no idea where we are going. "We have errands to run, dinner to eat, and a friend to meet."

He laughs and points at me. "That rhymed."

"Ha ha." I physically say, sarcastically. "You come with too many surprises."

"Fine. We don't have to be gir-" He cuts himself off. I could tell that it was a joke from his tone, but didn't even catch what he was saying.

"Huh?" I ask, setting my feet up on the thing in front of us.

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