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"What are you doing?" Jack asks me through the phone.

Ever since our last call, when I apologized we've only called. It is pretty rare though.

That was a week ago. Now, on my last week in New York, we've only called twice since then.

It is really nice hearing his voice and hearing about everything back in Canada.

"Im drawing." I say, my eyes not leaving the notebook.

"Ah of course." A small laugh escapes me. It seems like im never drawing until im with Jack.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Sittin in my trailer."

"Ah of course." I repeat.

"What are ya drawin Char?" He asks, shortening every word.

"Drawing the city." I follow him in changing my voice and talk in a British accent.

"Can I see it?" He asks.

I dont answer, for a moment, thinking. Can he see it? I've never really shown anyone my drawings. And no ones ever asked.

They'll just peek over my shoulder or take it for themselves. If it's personal I don't do it anywhere where people can do either.

"Maybe sometime."

"Alright girlie."

"Thats a new one." I mention his new nickname.

"Dude I know! Every girl I know got me saying it," I laugh as he groans. "Freaking Jenna, Melissa, Bailey, Athena, Trinity. Im done!"

"Hey at least im not on that list."

"True true."

We both pause for a moment and I close up my sketchbook. "We're going on a walk."

"Huh?" He asks.

"Im going on a walk, you're coming with you unless you want to hang up."

"Oh no, we can stay on the phone. I'm bored as hell right now." Laughing at him, I grab my jacket and shoes, throwing them on.

"Then we are going for a walk."

"Remember when we went to New York?" He asks, bringing up the concert from July.

"Jack. You're asking me as if it wasn't one of the best nights ever."

"It was really good." He agrees. I pull open my door, lock it, and being leaving the hotel. I have no idea where I am going but I feel like leaving. Since it is mid-september now the weather is either perfect or chilly. Today is chilly.

I like windy days though. I like how they chill my throat and how my nose gets red.

"Athena and I were just talking about it." I say.


"Yeah, I miss that night."

"Me too."

"We should do it again," I suggest. "Without the whole concert thing."

He laughs. "Yeah we should. I will surprise you again."

"Oh my god why are our dates so fucking filled with surprises." I laugh. Finally, I am outside my hotel. I have no idea where I am walking.

"Dates Charles?"

I pull my lips into my mouth and bring my eyebrows together. I did not mean to say that. "It came out jack." I say, making fun of him.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now