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charlieweiss story

charlieweiss story

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Today is a nice day in Montreal. And I have a day off.

The night after the dinner was the last time I've seen Jenna which was almost a week ago. It sucks but we've just been so busy with schedules that don't work together.

Today she has to work on scenes for scream so I decided to go out on a walk. It's been a long time since I've been able to draw or paint.

For me a long time is also only two days.

In the middle of my favorite park, not far from coffee, I sit down, after spreading out my blanket.

I begin to paint the tree ahead of me. Children passionately and sometimes violently play soccer in front of it. The left side is winning.

As I draw on one of the kids, someone steps right in my light. I wait for them to move so I can look up at the kids, and so I get it back. They don't though.

"Excuse m-" I say looking up. My voice pauses almost on its own as I notice who it is.

"Hi Charlie!" He says, his smile beaming at me.

"Jack," I stand up, setting my stuff down. "Hi."

He laughs at me. "Thats really good." I points down to my sketchbook.

"Thanks. You were blocking my light." I mention impromptly.

"I know." He teases.

I roll my eyes and give him attitude as I sit back down. "Wanna sit?" I ask  him.

"Uh sure." He sits down besides me, his body facing mine.

"You dont have to if you don't wanna."

"I want to." I look up from grabbing my sketchbook and smile. His eyes glisten in the bright sunlight. His smile is so prominent and contagious.

"What are you doing today anyways?"

"I went and did a scene earlier. And now absolutely nothing. Maybe the gym later."

"Oo gym guy." I hold up my arm and fake flex, pursing my lips to make a weird face.

We both laugh and my pose falls.

"Yeah, I love the gym." I nod. Good for him I guess. "I started when I was filming Avatar and now I just do it all the time. If it weren't for Avatar or my career I probably wouldn't."

"Oh yeah." I say nodding. Now I understand. Working out and staying fit is important for my job as well, but I don't do it very much.

My metabolism isn't the best, but I grew up with barely any food and I've just adjusted my body to it. Eating is amazing and stuff I'm just never hungry.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now