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liked by facemagazine, chasestokes, louispartridge and 2.1 million others

while I was in New York I had the pleasure of modeling for this amazing magazine, @face, while wearing @designer?s new collection


lilyrosedepp stunning
^charlieweiss you're making me blush luv

bellahadid this is too good
^charlieweiss says you

anokyai no you are too gorg
^charlieweiss look in the mirror babe

jennaortega just jumping around yk
^Charlieweiss yes ofc it's my fav hobby

username you call this talent?

marcusstevens this is amazing
^charlieweiss thank you!

username2 she has so much control omg

jackchampion are you angry?
^charlieweiss I'm always angry🤘


new instagram message: marcusstevens

hey charlie, I saw your post on Instagram and was wondering if you would be interested in doing a shoot with me?
I really admired your shoot with Face it was great

omg wait really? I've always admired your work, I would love to work with you

wonderful, I was hoping to come to you in Canada.
I'm in Toronto right now.
Honestly, i wanted get away from LA so I came here haha

ugh I wish I could say the same but I am missing the city😭
But yeah, I will send over my contact info and schedule and we can shoot asap

well what are you doing tomorrow?

um, I don't think I am doing anything

what if I came to Montreal?

so you're a spontaneous guy

that's the best kind of guy in my opinion

I like that
I'm free tomorrow

great I'm super excited to work with you. You're stunning and seem like the sweetest person ever
see you then


"Oh my god, guys!" I sit up on the couch and look to Devyn, Jack, Jenna, and Mason.

"What's up?" Devyn asks.

"Fucking Marcus Steven's just DMed me. He's in Toronto and he's coming here tomorrow so we can do a shoot."

"Shut up." Jenna smacks my arm with shock. The two of us are snuggling on Masons couch in his trailer on set. Everyone else is spread out in the room doing their own thing.

"Wait who?" Jack asks.

"Yeah?" Mason laughs, agreeing with him.

"Dude this super successful young photographer." Jenna explains from on the couch besides me.

"Isn't he that one for Versace or whatever?" Deyn asks from across the trailer.

I nod, my smile going from ear to ear

"Holy shit lemme see those messages." Jenna says. I laugh and hand her my phone. "stunning, sweet, coming to you." Jenna points out.

"What?" Jack walks over and grabs my phone.

"Girl he is flirting." I look to Jenna, letting my mouth fall open.

"He is not." Rolling my eyes, they land back on Jack.

Be hands back the phone and sits on the other end of the couch by our feet.

"He is." Jack agrees.

"What?" I unlock my phone and read it again. "No way."

Jack holds his head up with his hand and elbow resting on the couch.

Is he mad right now?

"Whatever you say." Jenna stands up and grab a water.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now