thirty nine

970 24 13

october 31th

When Jack and I got home yesterday, after shopping and hanging with Gigi in New York, we both had to go home immediately to finish packing. There was some work things I also had to do with my computer and I just wouldn't be able to get it done at his apartment.

Today though, Jenna and Mason are making us go to a party. One last time before we all leave.

I'm super excited, Jack and I planned a last minute clown costume. I could one hundred percent do better but our time is limited.

We are both excited that I am doing his makeup. He sits in front of me, watching my face, occasionally changing where he looks.

He looks really good right now. His hair is pulled back but in an attractive way that I've never seen him do before.

"What is this stuff?" He asks me as I put on just a little bit of white paint to really get rhe clown affect.

"It's just white paint."

He nods barely moving so I don't mess up his makeup. "Im actually really excited for tonight." His hands
move onto my hips, holding me as I stand in front of him.

"Me too. I love Halloween."

"Aw me too," He says as if it's something amazing. "I've always had the best Halloween parties because we always did them during Avatar."

"Thats so fun. This is kinda the first year I've done it with people I actually like. Other years I am busy so no friends are with me." I set down the white brush and grab his shoulders, no longer doing his makeup.

"Well now you have a bunch of friends. And I am so glad that we are going to be together for a while since we are all going to LA."

I sigh and nod slowly. "Yeah I don't know what I would do if I had to go to LA without you guys."

He rolls his eyes and smiles at me. "Find your other billions of friends and hang out with them."

I shove his shoulder gently and roll my eyes back. "No."

"No?" He asks, amused. I shake my head and give him a grin.

I move more to stand between his legs. He grips my waist tighter and makes me suck in a breath. He smiles at me before I lean down, moving one of my hands near his shirt collar and neck.

Our lips interlock, and we move together slowly. Before it becomes to much, I step backwards, and look at him.

"Time to go, I've got my own makeup to do." He gives me attitude as he stands up and leaves the room.

I already know that it is going to take me much less time then it did for him.


When I step out of the bathroom, he is laying on my bed, waiting on his phone. I already put on the outfit and I leap onto the bed, really close to him.

I wrap my arm around his back and lean my head on his shoulder. He is so comfy. And he smells so good all the time. I have to thank his mom for teaching him how to do his laundry right because he always smells amazing, like clean laundry.

"Hi Charles." He looks over at me, turning off his phone and setting it down.

"Heyyy babyayy." I laugh at my annoying voice. He smiles too. "Whatcha doing?" I ask.

He seems upset for some reason. "Laying with you."

I roll my eyes and look at his phone. "No what were you doing?"

He sighs. "Getting upset." His voice gets quiet and he looks down to my hand.

"About what?" I ask as my face falls.

He opens his phone to my instagram. I purse my lips, still confused. "There are the rudest fucking people on here."

I nod. "I know."

"It makes me so mad."

"I know," I squeeze his side. "But there's not really anything we can do about it. And I just know that it must really suck for them."

"I don't want people like that on mine. Or yours at all."

I smile. "I dont want them anywhere, but they really don't know anything so why care. We all die."

He nods slowly, turning all the way around, so we are now facing each other. "You are right."

"I know," We both laugh. "I've had to deal with all kinds of criticism and hurtfulness since I was a kid, you just have to have a better mindset." He nods again.

"Wait, you weren't famous as a kid though." Jack turns confused, grabbing my hand.

I smile and sit up. He is right but he's also not going to get the explanation right now.

"Yep. Come on! We better get going?" I pull him up and giggle as I run to the kitchen to grab my bag with everything I will need.

My apartment is practically naked from all of the packing I've been doing. I still can't believe I am leaving Canada.

"Charles? Can you answer me?"

"What?" I ask, walking out the door.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now