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mid july

"Charlie!" Jack yells to me through the rolled down window as I leave my apartment. Jenna and him both sit in the black car waiting for me.

"Jenna! Jack!" I yell back.

"What are you wearing bitch?" Jenna asks me, moving her sunglasses.

"What do you mean?" I ask looking down at my sweatpants. These are my favorite pair of sweatpants.

"I said cute." Jenna scolds.

"And comfy?" I point out.

"Youre gonna wanna look hot." Jack says, giving imput.

"I don't look hot?" I tease.

"Hotter." He smiles leaning over more so he can see me better as I approach the passenger side window.

"What should I wear?" I look at Jenna. She knows my closet better then him.

"Um, black dress, red coat, red boots," She turns to Jack. "Yeah?" She asks. He just shrugs.

I lean down and look at him. He is also wearing red. "Jenna." I roll my eyes and her and ignore her when she asks what. Turning around I call back. "I'll be a sec!"


"That is more like it babay!" Jenna calls, cat calling me the moment I walk out the door.

I twirl around and blow them a kiss.

"Guys we don't have time for this!" Jack yells.

I giggle as I approach the car again. Jenna moved to the back. "Jenna why did you move?" I can't believe her.

"Uh I was cold." Her voice is like a question.

"Should've thought of a lie before hand. You're not selling it."

Jack laughs as I hop in the car. "You call yourself an actress." He says to her.

Her hand comes flying towards him and hits his shoulder, joking. "Lets go numbnuts."


"Why are we at the airport?" I ask as we pull up to it. I'm so confused.

"Going somewhere cool." Jenna says.

"Uber cool. You're gonna love it." Jack follows.


"Athena! And Phoebe Bridgers?!" I scream outside of the venue. The building has a sign with their names on it.

They flew us to New York. I love New York. I've always loved New York.

It is my safe place. It's where I escaped to when I was a teenager. It is where I go when I need to clear my head and have fun.

I'm so excited to be here, and for this damn concert.

Jenna and Jack laugh at me. "Guys? How did you do this?"

"I told you, I'm a friend of Athenas, she got us tickets."

"Shit!" I say.

"Char don't cream your pants." Jenna says, quoting Stranger Things.

"I just might." I say dreamily.

Jack laughs. "Are we gonna stand here or go in?"

"Go in." I say obviously, looping my arms between theirs so we are in a chain.


after the concert

"Im hungry." Jenna says as soon as the concert is over.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now