fourty two

740 18 1

november 4th
mid day

New message: Jennas

hey dude what is happening?


theres something really weird happening online and stuff Im not really sure

I turn off my phone, shaking my head as I go back to drawing. She has to be playing a trick or something. Right now, I dont really care to joke back with her or be on my phone. 

Missed call Gigi (4)

Missed call Jack 

New Message: 

hey what is happening?


New Message:

You need to fucking go look at what I sent you on instagram 
Call me
I need to talk to you about this
It will be fine okay Char?


The minute I look back at my phone I go to instagram. Everyone's calls and texts are freaking me out. 

As soon as I open the app, I look to Gigi and my conversation. A post with my face on it and information written is waiting for me to open it. 

When I open it, I quickly regret it. There is no way. 

My feed and explore page is filled with my face. Posts about me everywhere. 

My heart sinks and my breath stops when I read the information on each of them. 

Swiping out of instagram, I search up my name and hit the news section. Fuck. 

Articles are written everywhere. 

Everything about me, my life, my name, my family are all displayed out to every person on this earth who would care to see it. Something Ive forever tried so hard to hide is out there. 

Clicking back into Instagram, tears fall down my face. 

My messages are full. But there is one that Ive had a conversation with before. I open it, noticing a new message. 

I told you. Fucking ruining you.

I take a deep breath and drop my phone onto my living room carpet. I cant look at anything any longer. 

I knew who it was writing those things in my comments. They wrote them in Jacks too. But I didnt want to admit it to myself. 

Fuck. Jack. 

As soon as I get comfortable. As soon as I feel good and nothing is starting to matter, my world is crushed, falling down on me. Thats is how its always been. 

And now Im left with no idea of what to do or what is going to happen.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now