twenty four

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The street lights fill the dark roads as I walk hastily towards the small venue Athena will be performing out. My mind is running with things that I have to tell her.

The cars and music in the distance mix together to make an even better song, setting my pace with it.

I finally show up to a little theater. I've never heard of it before, but it is cute.

I pull out my phone and take a picture and then head in, showing the lady my ticket by the doors.

"Charlie Weiss!" Athena yells to me across the foyer. Everyones head turn to us, but neither of us care, we just run up to each other and embrace each other in a huge hug.

"Thena!" I called back.

"Bitch I missed you." She says into my ear as we still hold onto each other.

"You have no idea I've wanted to see you for so long."

We break our hug and she curves her eyebrows with an attitude. "Maam, you could have came and seen me anytime you wanted."

I laugh awkwardly. "Yeah I couldve." We both laugh.

"Here come back stage with me." She pulls my hand and we begin to walk.

"Back stage?" Athena nods in front of me. "Hashtag vip access." I say. Both of our laughs ring out as we enter the door on the side of the foyer.

She leads us up stairs and back down them, into a long hallway with multiple dressing rooms and then the stage. We both sit down on the side of the stage in the back so no one can see us as they enter.

"So what has happened?" Athena asks me first. I roll my eyes and then point at her.

"You first."

She shakes her head. "Hm, no."

I groan and then set my palms on my thighs, getting ready for the ridiculous story.

"After you called me out over text-"

"Youre welcome." I smile and nod.

"I went home later that night. I went to Jennas. She was having a party."

"Please tell me the little turd was there."

"He was there," I say through a laugh. "And I went to her room. Man I wanted to sleep. But I got up for water at one point and when I was laying there, someone came in and I thought it was Jenna. So I ranted to her about life and how tired I was. And how I'm scared of Jack, and-"

She grabs my thigh, getting me to stop. "Guess who it was? Jack." She answers.

"Yes. Fucking Jack Champion."

"Ah!" She yells enthusiastically laughing. "This is some damn movie stuff."

"I know," We both laugh. "Anyways, we both apologized and all that good stuff, but I told him i didn't want to talk so we slept."

"Oh yeah, I saw that on Jennas insta."

I nod. "Yep. And we went for coffee, and danced in the rain. And I told him where I am from, so we are getting somewhere."

She smiles and gives me a hug. "Yes, get somewhere slowly girl. I'm so happy for you."

I take a deep breath and think about the situation. It is somehting to be happy about because for once in Jack and I's relationship it is not scary in the sense where I am going to run away.

I want to. But I know I won't anymore.

"Thank you," I grab her hands. "Okay now you."

She groans, like I did, and closes her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she opens them back up and looks at me. "Really?"

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now