fourty seven

957 23 38

november 9th

I clean up my house immediately the next morning, getting ready for Jack to come over. This is the first time I've ever had him over.

And its also the first contact I've had with someone other then Gigi in six days. I open up the windows and light a candle in the kitchen and dining room. It is one of my signature scents. I know he has smelled it before. It might bring him comfort, but it already is bringing me comfort. It reminds me of memories we have made together.

I tap my leg underneath the table with my hands folded over one another with anxiety as I wait.

When the doorbell finally rings, I stand up with a deep breath. My heart starts to pump faster and my hands start to shake.

I walk towards the door, wiping my hands on my jeans. I check through the peephole before opening the door to see Jack whistling.

A small smile covers my face and I pull open the door.

"Charlie!" Jack breathes out, clearly relieved. I wrap my arms around his shoulders tightly. I never realized that this is what I needed. His arms surround me easily, and he lifts me off of the ground a little bit before setting me back down, and letting us just hug for a moment.

"Hi Jack." I whisper, tucking my face into his shoulder. It feels as if tears are filling my eyes, but I make them go away. I can't let myself cry.

"I missed you so much Charlie."

I smile at him, and just keep holding him there. Those words are exactly what I needed to hear. I was so scared that nothing would be the same.

"I missed you too Jack."

We both pull apart, standing apart now, awkwardly. "Want some food?" I ask suddenly. Jack nods.

We both walk towards the kitchen, me in front, leading him. I turn around and notice him looking around, trying to notice everything.

"This is where youve been all this time?" I nod as we enter the kitchen.

"Mostly drawing."

"Thats good. Gigi came to see you right?" I nod again, pulling out the food I have for leftovers. I am not cooking and I know he isn't picky.

"She spent the night. You wouldnt be here if she didnt." I laugh quietly.

"Im glad she did." He jokes.

We eat with awkward conversation, avoiding the terrible conversation of what is happening with me. He never asks or pry's.

"I need to show you something." I say when we are both finished. It is the only way that I can kind of show him what is happening. What has happened.

He takes a deep breath and nods, standing up. He grabs his plate, and then mine. "Okay."

"Its important." I say, nervously looking down the empty space where my plate was thirty seconds ago. "It'll explain some things." I add awkwardly.

"You don't need to explain anything Charlie." He says with understanding.

I shake my head and stand up too. "Yeah I do."

"Thank you for lunch Charles."

"Of course Jaqueline."

We stand in the kitchen a little while longer. Talking with more random conversation. He has everything to say about what he's been doing. And it makes me so happy to hear. Finally with a deep breath, I cut him off and head towards the drawing room. He follows silently, stopping his talking.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now