twenty three

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"Wait what are you doing?" Jack yells to me over the loud rain. I run out from under the building straight into the rain.

"Come on Jack!" I yell back, pausing and standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

He shakes his head at me, but follows shortly after. He runs up to me and grabs my hand.

I laugh loudly, and then gasp for air every couple of seconds. He laughs back but doesn't gasp at all.

His laugh rings out in the rain. Focusing on those two things sounds so beautiful.

We run across the street, hand in hand, our feet slapping against the pavement over to a field with a couple trees in it.

We slip and slide as we run across it, pausing and checking if each other is okay when it is really bad. He grabs my waist and raises my hand above my head.

I give him a confused face but keep the large smile plastered on my face. "This is the part where you spin Charlie." He whispers.

"Ohhh," I whisper back. I begin to spin, making sure to hold onto him. I shriek as I begin to fall.

This time, I don't grab him or let him save me. I don't stop it.

I just fall.

"Ah!" He yells as he lays down next to me. Small giggles come from me as we lay there next to each other letting the cold rain fall on us.

His hand grabs mine. He brings it up to his mouth and kisses it.

"I love the rain." I yell.

"I know you do."

Shaking my head, I turn onto my side, looking at him. "You dont like the rain." I say.

I remember him telling me that.

"It's starting to grow on me." He smiles at me.

"Good," I rest my head on his shoulder. "Because it's beautiful."

"Youre right." He whispers just so I can hear him.

His heart pumps slightly fast. I wonder if it's from running or from me. I wonder if he knows it's racing.

The rain slowly cancels out any other noise that I am focused on.

"Did you know that I am from Colorado?" I ask.

"Uh," He says, thinking.

"You didnt," I never told him. Jenna doesn't know. The internet doesn't know. They think I am from New York.

"Youre right," He moves and looks at me. "Why didn't I?"

I take in a big breath and smile again after losing it. I hate my hometown.

I stand up and leave him with a mystery. It was the first thing I've been comfortable to tell him.

I could have told him more right there. But something in me stopped it. Again.

But progress.

Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now