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"I really need to go." I say, sitting on the other end of the couch. I was able to call earlier and get a rental car to drive back to Montreal.

"Char are you sure, it's super late."
Marcus is right, we had been sitting there watching a movie after our make out sesh.

"I am positive I will be fine." I assure, finally sitting up and and smiling at him.

"Okay, I'll walk you out." We both stand up and stretch.

At the door, he holds it open. And we hug, kiss once, and I hurry out the door.

The moment I get outside a bad feeling sets over me. I keep fucking up so bad and I have no idea what to do with anything.

The entire drive home, I listen to music and scream to myself. I roll down the windows and it is so cold. Everything gets cold and numb.

My cheeks are super red and I can't feel my fingers when I finally stop, getting off of the highway.

It is a great feeling though. Like my mind is clear for the night. I expected it to be full of anxiety by the time I got back, but it is too focused on this feeling.

I pick up my phone and quickly dial Jennas number.

"Hey bitch!" She yells through the phone.

"Hi." I say back, not as enthusiastic.

"Whats up?"

"I was hoping I could come over?" The light turns green, and I begin to drive again, towards her apartment.

"Yes of course you can come over-"

"Thank you I just need to lay in your bed right now." I've taken a liking to her bed after all the times I've had to wait for her to get dressed.

"There are a couple people over, but you can do that."

"Wait who?"

"Um Melissa, Mason, Devyn, Jasmin, some people you don't know." She lists.

"So the whole cast is there?" I ask.  Obviously she's hiding that Jack is there.

"Almost, yep." Her voice rings out awkwardly.

"So Jack is there?"


I laugh at her and roll my eyes. "Im fine dude. I don't have a huge problem with him right now."

"Pft, girl you can tell yourself that. Also he's the one that seems to have a problem."

"Did he say something?" I ask, pulling into her parking lot.

"Eh it was more of acted weird."

"What happened?" I park and wait to finish our conversation.

"Im with everyone I can't really speak about this right now." She says, adding dramatic words.

"Okay, I'm here anyways."

"Okay babes, see you in a minute."

When I get to her door, I pause even after all of the times I've just walked in with no warning. Jack being mad at me makes me feel like shit even when I'm away from him, and now I have to face him.

Finally, I summon enough courage and walk in. Mason looks up from the kitchen where him and Melissa eat some kind of cheese spread. I wave and smile at him and he follows the same action.

Everyone else sits on the couch and stands around it. It is pretty full of people. A lot of people I've never met before.

Jenna stands up quickly when I walk towards them, and I watch as Jack bows his head down ignoring me, still talking to the person beside him. It's a girl.

I blow out a breath and then smile as Jenna approaches me.

"Hey girl!" I say. We embrace each other in a hug and then break apart. I keep looking over her shoulder towards Jack and his little girlfriend.

"Hi Char," She keeps her hand on the small of my back and brings me more towards the kitchen. "Want a snack?"

"Nah, I think I'm just gonna go lay in your bed if that okay?"

"Yeah bitch go." I give another small smile and walk towards her room as she heads back towards the conversation.

The instant I land on her bed, I fall asleep.

Later that night I wake up again and check my phone. I've been asleep for only an hour. It felt like so much longer.

I walk out and grab a cup of water quietly. The crowd got smaller in the hour, but Jenna and Jack still sit in the same place.

I continue to watch him. Like the stalker I am.

After a while of watching as my water fills up, our eyes meet and I instantly drop them down. Very smooth.

I turn off the water quickly, and embarrassed and bring it back to the bedroom.

Setting down the cup on her nightstand, I then flop on the bed in star position and stare at Jennas ceiling. I wish it was how it was when we met at the park.

A couple minutes later the door opens, and someone sits on the bed. Keeping my eyes clothes I sigh.

"Jenna I'm so done dude," She doesn't say anything. She wants explanation. God she pisses me of sometimes. "I wish it was how it was before the end of filming my movie. I'm so bored and just sitting around here, doing what? And for doing nothing, I'm so busy. All of my relationships are getting screwed. And fucking Athena called me out about Jack and she was literally so right but I don't know how to open up, you know that."

She takes a breath after my rant. I open my eyes quickly.

That was not her breath.

Jack sits on the edge of the bed, by my feet. We sit in the dark, but I can still tell it's him.

My face begins to burn and I quietly slap my hand against my mouth.


Falling || Jack ChampionWhere stories live. Discover now