twenty seven

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October 9th

"Bitch what's been going on?" Jenna asks.

"With what?" I ask back. She instantly began her interrogation when I let her into my apartment.

"I haven't seen you in forever-"

"You saw me the night I slept in your bed."

Her mouth drops, leaving it wide. She is clearly appalled. "You and Jack stole my bed and then you barely spoke to me. I have no idea what's going on in your life and you don't know mine."

I laugh at her and hop onto my kitchen counter while she opens up my fridge. "Well Jack and I are good. We've been hanging out a little more."

She smiles, her head popping up from behind the fridge door. "Okayyy." she shimmys her shoulders.

"And," I puff out my breath through my lips, trying to think of what to even say. "Um, I guess that's it. I went to Athenas concert. I've been hanging around the studio, being in my thoughts, and um planning for the next couple months."

She rests on the counter across from me. "So you and Jack are resolved?"

I nod. "Pretty much."

Jenna moves again and looks into my cupboards. "Back to flirting?"

"Yes," I say skeptically. "Whats with all of the questions?"

She shrugs, pulling out brownies. "I dont know I just feel like it has been hard for you both and I was wondering if you guys have talked about it."

I raise my eyebrows, thinking about it. Shrugging I hop of the counter. "You know, I thought we would have by now. But when we were in your room we apologized and that was it."

"So you both just acknowledged it and got over it?"

I didnt even think about that. In the time that we hung out we haven't talked about what happened. The apologies just ceased the rest of the problem.

In some cases it could be considered toxic to just dismiss a problem, but in Jack and I's case it is good that he is waiting.

Our relationship is comfortable and vulnerability comes with time. Especially in my case.

"Yeah but it will be discussed," I grab a mixing bowl for our brownies and set it on the counter. "With time."

She nods slowly, pouring in the brownies mix. "Wait!"

I jump a little and then stare at her. "I have some dranks in the car, I'm going to get them."

"Okay." I laugh as she leaves to go the alcohol for our girls night.

"So guess what?" I look up as Jenna walks in. "I actually have found another date to the Wednesday premiere."

I slam my hands on the counter. A mischevious smile begins to climb across my face. "Now who the hell replaced me?" I say, pretending to be upset.

She sets down the multiple bottles and stands next to me. "You'll have to wait and see."

"Bitch!" I slap her arm. "That is no fair."

"Whatever," She rolls her eyes while laughing. "I guess you have to find a date now."

Looking up from the brownies I examine her attitude. She has a plan. Jesus.

"Im guessing you want me to pick a romantic interest of mine." I play along with it.

She nods slowly, a grin coming back to her face.

"Jack?" I ask, dropping the spoon.

She nods once more, slower.

"No, I already have another picked out."

"Mhm, sure you do babe."

I roll my eyes at her. "Is it one of your love interests?"

"Yes." She says quietly.

"Tell me about your life." I finally say. I havent even heard about her.

"Well I haven't been doing anything. I wrapped my scenes on Scream. But Jack, me, and a couple others are staying here because we have nothing else to do."

"I did hear about that."

"Im really excited to be done and to just start new things."

"For real, I love the feeling."

"Do you have anything planned?" She asks while pouring drinks.

"Same as last time we talked about this. I just have to get through the next two months."

"Yeah, three premieres. Fucking crazy."

"And press. And my birthday. And Jack's birthday."

She laughs. "You can get through it, I've seen you do some crazy shit in limited time."

I laugh back to our many memories and filming Wednesday.

"I hope so J."



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I set up a timer for this



jennaortega hell yeah you did, that's a fabulous pic
  ^charlieweiss so cute

Jasminbrown and we weren't invited
  ^jackchampion fr
  ^jennaortega sorry dollies we had top secret girl talk

louispartridge okay im going to need some of those

username brownies with them>>

jackchampion Jenna getting stuff on her shirt
  ^jennaortega totally not
  ^charlieweiss yeah no

athenacarter living for my duo
  ^jennaortega couldve been a trio😩

username2 no one asked

username3 I think we all know who is the better friend here
  ^username4 I think we are all confused
  ^username3 jenna is the best

I hope this chapter makes sense, I didn't really check it

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